18th Birthday ♥‼♥‼

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My mother woke me up with a huge breakfast. Lucky me. Today is my 18th birthday.  I'm just excited I get to make my own rules and do whatever I please.  Being 18 will be the greatest year of my entire life.

"Happy Birthday,baby!" My mother screams.

"Thamks mommy" I replied more than excited. After that she walked out.

I received a text from a unknown number,which I have been getting a lot of.


??:Happy Birthday babygirl. See u tonight, I love you♥

I just ignored it. Whoever who has been playing on my phone needs to totally stop.  I'm starting to get freaked out by these text messages, and I'm starting to feel a dark presence around me.

1 hour later

I'm getting ready for my birthday party and I'm so excited, I could have an heart attack.

My party is an all black affair. I'm the only one standing out, wearing all white. I've decided to wear a white bodycon dress that hugged my curves so nicely, it was strapless and classy. I paired my dress with a fur coat and come red bottom heels. And to top it off my makeup made me feel like I was that B****.

My best friend Isabelle wore black leather pants, a lace leotard ,and black heels. She had on foundation with a smokey eye, and lip gloss. After me and Isabelle got dressed we got into the limo my father had gotten some of my friends and we all drove to the club where my party was going to be. We arrived to the club called "Paradise" the hottest in New York.  And the fun just begins.

Jason's point of view

Today is my babygirls' birthday. The day she will be all mine.  She's having  an all black affair, so no one will notice who I'am and the danger I can bring to people.  I walked into the party with the smell of smoke, alcohol, and sweat.  Girls were trying to dance with me but I refused. Only Maria could do that.  I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms every night, and wake up with her in my arms. 
As I heard cheering and people crowding around something, I knew that was my baby.  She was as beautiful as an angel.  She didn't need that makeup because she's perfect without it. The most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on in my entire life.

She was dancing with a guy, which made me extremely jealous.  I wanted to pull that guy away from her. She was grinding on him as well as he was.  She needs to know who she belongs to. And I'll make sure that she knows

So I  walked over to  them and pulled him off her..


As I was dancing with my boyfriend Jordan Calloway(from Drumline: a new beat) he was yanked off of me I turned around to a rowdy crowd. Because some dude was fighting my boyfriend.  I was so confused to be seeing this on my suppose to be perfect night. I guess I spoke to soon.

Some guy with a brown and blond quiff, wearing all black, obviously, with shades on was very muscular and from what I could see he had a lot of tattoos his arms.

Back to reality, they were fighting for no reason, in which i believed because Jordan has never gotten into altercations outside the football field.  He was always chill and laid back.  I tried to pull them apart but the unknown guy wouldn't budge he just kept beating Jordan constantly until he blacked out.  I was crying & screaming until I was pulled back by my best friend.

My best friend was shaking hysterically when she asked,  "Are you okay?!" I shook my head no an started to cry a river of tears.  She pulled me into a tight hug.  After that the lights shut off we both were panicking even more than what we already were.

Jason point of view

I told Chaz to turn the lights off so people won't see when I take what's mine and only mine... Maria



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