The "bad" news pt.2 (f)

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~~ a year later ~~

* I was on my phone and seen a concert ad of y/n*

Five: y/n...?

Five: that can't be you

* I zoom in and look more and see her face *

Five: b-baby it's you!

* I teleport to Alison*

Five: Alison we need to go now!

Alison: you seen it to?

* Luther and Diego and Klaus walk in*

Diego: y/n isn't dead guys

Klaus: I told you!

Five: we have to go to that concert!

Diego: yeah no dip

Five: fuck off!

* I grab Alisons hand and vanya walks in and she just holds on to Klauses hand and Diego and Luther all hold hands and I teleport to the concert*

Five: everyone split up!

* they nod*

* I run to back stage and see y/n and some other guy*

Y/n: Im sorry okay

Guy: your so worthless!

Y/n: yes i know

*i started to get mad*

* I seen the guy slap her on the face*

Guy: you deserve it! Go clean up before you go onstage and make sure that you put in the waist fitter to make sure your fat doesn't show!

Y/n: yes

* he walks away and she drops to the ground and starts to cry*

Five: y/n?

Y/n: oh um hello my bad that was my fault, if your wondering where to go just head out there and you should see the arrows *she smiles*

Five: you don't remember me?

Y/n: your a fan correct?

* i nod my head no and hug her*

Five: baby I'm sorry please don't leave me again

* she looks at me and her eyes widen*

Y/n: five...?

Five: yes my love it's me

* she hugs me and starts to cry*

Y/n; five i don't want to live anymore

Five: baby it's gonna be okay

* she pulls away from the hug and I look at her*

* she flinched*

Y/n: wait I'm sorry I will hug you

Five: that bastard hurt you!

Y/n: no it's okay I deserve it five just let it go

Five: no girl deserves that! I don't care what you did! You don't deserve any of what he did or said to you!

* I pull her waist towards mine*

Five: baby why are you so short still

Y/n: i don't know I'm sorry I will work on it I promise just give me some time

Five: no baby I like it, it's cute, you don't have to change

Y/n: how is Delores?

Five: we broke up

Five: are you okay what's been going on?

Y/n: oh I'm sorry and I don't know

Five: baby Who was that guy?

Y/n: my boyfriend

* i look at her and she looks down*

Five: I will be right back okay

Y/n: yes

* i hug her and kiss her forehead *

* I teleport to her boyfriend *

Boyfriend: hey dude

Five: uh hi

Bf: man y/n is just really getting on my nerves

Five: how

Bf: she's fat and ugly and she doesn't listen, it's just her constant bratty and cries

Five: well maybe she wouldn't cry if you didn't hit her

Bf: who told you that I hit her!

* I walk up to him and grab him by the collar of his shirt*

Five: if you ever touch her again I will kill you, and that is a promise

Bf: fuck you


* I punch him and throw him on the ground*

Five: don't ever fucking touch her!

Bf: she's mine! I can do whatever I want to her!

Five: she's mine! And if you ever touch that girl again I will kill you I swear!

Bf: whatever dude go screw off!

Five: fuck you!

* I teleport back to y/n*

Five: it's taken care of my love

* I smile*

Five: do you really want to go to this concert or do you want to go home?

Y/n: home.. but I will stay if you want me to, I'm sorry if I picked the wrong answer please just don't do anything

* she looks down and takes a step back*

Five: baby I'm not going to hurt you come here

* she walks up to me slowly and looks at my chest and hugs me*

Five: baby we can go home

* I text Alison and tell them that I found her and that make a rumor that y/n is sick and is not going to do the concert tonight*

Five: let's go now baby

* she nods and I teleport her to my house*

Five: come baby,come sit

* she sits on the couch next to me*

Five: your so beautiful you know that right

* she looks down and I place my hand on her cheek and she smiles*

Five: your body is perfect I promise

* I grab her face and kiss her*

Five: baby have you ever lost it?

Y/n: my virginity?

Five: yes

Y/n: no I'm sorry you don't have to be with me, I'm sorry

Five: no baby it's okay don't be sorry

Five: I will make you feel better okay

Y/n: okay

* i smile and so does she*

Hey y'all so smutt next one lol but yeah byeeeeeeee❤️❤️

Aidan Gallagher/ five hargreeves/ Nicky Harper imagines Where stories live. Discover now