Chapter 66

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I knock lightly on the door to the hospital room. Elle glances up from the book in her lap and smiles. Returning the grin, I walk to her side and lean in to kiss her on the forehead. When I pull away she looks at me expectantly. I smile before moving to her lips.

"Hi," I whisper.

She smiles against my mouth before kissing me again.

"I thought I'd stop by before work," I tell her as I drop my bag onto the chair beside her bed. I move to sit on the mattress but she holds a hand up. She slides her body over, making space, and pats the pillow.

"Elle, I don't think we're allowed to do that."

Her shoulders raise in a shrug. "Never stopped us before," she points out.

I smile and glance over my shoulder before climbing onto the bed next to her. My left arm wraps around her shoulders and she turns into me, her hand on my stomach. My right hand rests on her waist and I draw her closer to me, careful to avoid hurting her. She nuzzles her head into my chest, breathing deeply.

"This is better," she mumbles. I respond by kissing her hair and running my hand across her back.

"Work starts in an hour," I mutter. "Until then I'm all yours."

Her fingers trace my stomach through my t-shirt. She's staring off into space, her eyes unfocused. Slowly, her eyelids droop and she settles in.

I know she's been having trouble sleeping these past couple of nights. Monday, she was too exhausted for the trauma to catch up with her, but then it hit pretty hard. I spent the past two nights at home, alone. The doctors told me she needed time to heal, and I couldn't stay past visiting hours. So she called me. I told her to, if she needed it. We talked briefly but she was struggling to stay awake. So I grabbed the book sitting on my nightstand at the time. I read to her until she fell asleep.

I'm worried about her. Her body will heal, in time, but it's going to take much longer for her mind. Her heart. She was shot in her own home. There's nowhere she feels safe anymore. Except in my arms.

She shifts beside me, pulling me from my thoughts. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. My gaze travels across her features, the curl of her eyelashes, the freckles on her skin. Her pink lips are parted slightly as she breathes. Everyday I'm struck by how beautiful she is. By how much I love her.

I hear a knock and pull my eyes to the doorway. Maria stands there, a small smile on her face. Maria has been Elle's nurse since the accident, and mine too, really. She's been a friend.

I look back to Elle, sleeping peacefully. Maria approaches the bed.

"You need to be careful with her, Carli," she reminds me.

"I am." I keep my voice quiet as not to wake Elle.

Maria shakes her head but a smile adorns her face. "You two..." She gets to work checking Elle's vitals. While she's on the other side of the bed, she peels my arm from around Elle and checks my injury.

"It's healing well," she remarks.

"It's just a scratch," I say, pulling my arm away.

Maria sighs. "You're a worse patient than she is."

I crack a smile, returning my arm to Elle's back.

"I'll be back in half an hour," Maria tells me. "She'll have to be awake for a few tests."

I nod in acknowledgement and Maria leaves the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Elle squirms against me, burying her head in my chest. I rub her back and bring my face closer to hers. "Shh," I whisper. "You're safe, Elle. I've got you." She hugs me tighter but relaxes against my chest.

"I've got you."


An hour later I walk into the BAU as if it's any other day. Morgan comes right up to me. "How is she?"

"Better," I smile. "Sore, but better."

Morgan smiles. "And your arm? You didn't pass out on your way here?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "I'm never living that down, am I?"


I smile again and take a seat at my desk, sighing at the stack of files in front of me. I'm about to dive in when Hotch taps his office window. He's looking right at me.

That didn't take long. I stand and steel my nerves before walking to his office. I enter and close the door behind me. Hotch motions for me to take a seat.

I do, and wait for him to say something. When he remains silent I take it as an invitation to go first.

"Hotch, we were going to tell you. It was just never the right time. And I promise, we make sure to keep it separate from the job-"

Hotch holds a hand up, silencing me. "There are protocols."

"I know. And I'm prepared to deal with the consequences."

Hotch sighs and leans forward onto his desk. "You understand why this could be dangerous?"

"I do. Hotch, we... we tried. But we couldn't..." I trail off.

"Stay away from each other?" he offers. I don't reply, keeping my eyes on his. "Your relationship cannot interfere with your work."

"I understand. It won't."

Hotch leans back in his chair, the tension gone. "Alright. You're free to go."

My mouth parts in surprise. "That's it?"

"Were you expecting a firing squad?"

I give a small smile. "I mean, yeah, a little bit."

The corner of Hotch's mouth twitches up. "If the Brass starts asking questions down the line, we'll deal with it as it comes."

I stand from the chair, my nerves settled. I head to the door but Hotch calls out.

I glance over my shoulder. "Yeah?"

"I'm glad she's okay." There's genuine concern and relief in Hotch's features.

"Me too."


thank you all so much 🥺🥺
<3 :)

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