Chapter 44

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It's the first week of December and my coat and scarf do little to keep the icy wind from sneaking into my collar. Small clouds of my breath puff in the air before me. I rush to the elevator, my fingers tapping against my firearm impatiently as I wait for it to descend from the fourth floor. When it arrives I rush inside and take a deep breath of warmth as the doors slide shut.

Once I get to the BAU my fingertips awaken from the numbing cold. I shoot Elle a smile as I pass her desk, unraveling my scarf from around my neck.

We spent the night together a few days ago after returning from a case. We got to work the following day just as exhausted as the night before. It's Friday now, and she hasn't come over since, both of us trying to catch up on sleep and cases.

I have to admit she can be a distraction. But we're trying; to keep it separate, to stay professional at work. As far as I can tell the team doesn't suspect a thing.

It's been three weeks since she first called me her girlfriend. Three weeks of butterflies swirling in my stomach, of stolen kisses and late nights. The greatest three weeks of my life.

I take my seat and watch Elle rise from hers. She heads toward the back counter for a cup of coffee. My eyes subtly follow her as she walks away, admiring the length of her legs and the curves of her hips. Her holster is strapped across her back, the black leather outlined against her navy blue sweater while the straps cross her shoulder blades.

I haven't held her in days. My eyes trace the holster while my hands yearn to tug it off.

I'm pulled from my thoughts at the sound of Derek's voice. "Hey, C, do you know what you're doing for the holidays?" He sits on the corner of his desk, a coffee cup in one hand while his other arm rests across the divider.

Holidays? I haven't even talked to Elle about that. I tell Derek what I do know. "I'm going up to New England the weekend before Christmas, but I'll be home after. Why do you ask?"

Morgan's about to answer when he's interrupted by Elle returning with a mug in each hand. She hands one to me and I smile up at her as I say thank you.

Morgan continues, "Garcia's hosting a New Years party for the team, wants us all to be there. Elle, how bout you?"

She looks back at me before answering Morgan. "Should be able to make it." She smiles.

"Great! Reid?"

"Well I'm spending Christmas in Las Vegas with my mom and on New Years I planned to watch this documentary about the penguins in–"

"I'm going to take that as a yes," Morgan interrupts. He chuckles as Reid simply nods and he and Elle take their seats again.

I'll have to ask her about what we're doing for Christmas. And I need to get her something.

I redirect my attention to the files on my desk as I take a sip from the mug Elle handed me. I notice her eyeing me as a slight smile touches her lips. I glance in her direction once I swallow the warm liquid, a grin spreading across my features.

Hot chocolate. My favorite.

She winks at me.

Second favorite.


I sit at my desk, my eyes tracing the report in front of me. I have a profile, and now I need a name. I need Garcia. I gather the papers and my mug of hot chocolate, refilled since this morning.

As I leave the bullpen I hold the door open for Elle, returning back to her desk from the archives.

I stand in the doorway and her body brushes mine as she passes. I lean in close to her as she does. "Thanks for this," I mumble as I lick my lips, my skin tingling from being so close to her.

She smirks and tilts her head, her lips by my ear. "You should thank me properly sometime."

My heart flutters in my chest as she reaches for the mug in my hand, peeling it from my fingers. She takes a long sip and raises an eyebrow as I watch. Trying to hide a smile, she walks back to her desk, taking the mug with her.

I bite my lip to keep from smiling and shake my head as she walks away. She's driving me crazy. And she knows it.

I turn back towards Garcia's office and remember what I'm doing. I knock and enter after I hear her cheery voice telling me to come in.

Penelope sits at her desk, the glow of several monitors lighting her face. She swivels around in her chair to face me, her pink sweater flashing brightly. "Carli! Just who I wanted to see. I wanted to talk about New Years–"

"Morgan already asked us," I interrupt. "I'll be there."

"Yay!" she exclaims as her grin widens. She notices the file in my hand. "So, what can I do you for?" she questions happily, spinning back towards her computers.

"I've got a profile–"

"And you need a name! Well my dear you have come to the right place. Please, have a seat and witness brilliance." She gets to work and pulls up different programs on her desktop.

I shake my head and smile, hopping onto the desk beside her. I read her the list and her fingers fly across the keyboard, the keys clicking as she works. Once I finish giving the profile, we wait for the results. The fingers of my right hand tap against my gun, an impatient habit of mine.

Garcia, of course, talks to fill the silence. "Who are you bringing?"

"Hmm?" I hum without sparing a glance away from the screen.

"To New Years! You got a girlfriend? Boyfriend? And if yes why haven't I been told?" Garcia interrogates me with a serious look.

I look up and laugh as I see her expression. "No, PG, I'm just bringing myself. And whatever you want me to bring for food."

"But who are you going to kiss at midnight?" Garcia exclaims, genuine concern lacing her voice.

I playfully roll my eyes. I know exactly who I'll be kissing on New Years. I'm saved from answering when the computer chimes, indicating a hit.

Garcia sighs before getting back to work. "It's a few weeks away. Don't worry, you still have time," she says reassuringly.

I smile and shake my head as I lean over her shoulder, hoping we've found our unsub.

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