All's Well Ends Well

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        Content Warning: Things get graphically violent in this part so if you can't stomach Gore it would be better to skip, though I will put an indication when the gore begins and when it stops. 

        There was a burly man on TV, his chin square jawed and frame filling up the screen as if he couldn't fit into the small space provided. over his shoulder he carried a double barreled shot gun and on the other arm clung a beautiful damsel. A scientist stared up at the two, his glasses shining in a way where one wouldn't even be able to make out his eyes. 

        "On this night....the dead will rise!" he hissed, before getting shot by the man, blown to smithereens in a single instance.

        Stuffing some popcorn into your mouth you couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance for them both. The Necronomicon, demons, nuclear waste, a virus, a meteor....All the causes of zombies in popular media yet here you were, unlike any of the ones from before. You weren't decomposing, something you couldn't help but be extremely grateful for, but it still stayed true that your heart did not beat at all from within your chest. To add onto things the need to satiate your hunger with flesh was something you'd rather have for popcorn and other delicious forms of sustenance, though you had to admit it took a lot longer for you to hunger for such things than before. If anything, eating was more of an urge that needed to be satiated than a necessity. Unlike a zombie, you thought the term demi human fit more, though you couldn't help but prefer the term zombie nonetheless. You could never forget; you were not human and at the end of the you'd always not be human from now on. The thought may have put a sour taste in your mouth but it was true and here, sitting across from you like a lovesick puppy was the idiot who caused it all. With an aggressive kick you shoved Malcom away from you. 

        "(Name)..." he cried out with a soft drawl, "I just wanted to give you a hug, You're so mean nowadays..." 

        Your eye twitched at the boy, for the amount of idiocy erupting from him was too much for even you to handle at the moment. You were being mean? Ha! The bastard had murdered you in the name of love or whatever sick perversion he and Richard had. One little apology or "good" intentioned actions wouldn't get him out of hot water that easily. 

        With a deep sigh you spoke, "Stay back and make yourself useful. We have work to do."

        "Malcom, last time we checked the old mall. the only place left is the woods and I'm not backing away just because you're scared. You're either in or out of this." You turned, grabbing his shirt collar, "Whether with or without you, I'm going into those woods and...." You felt a shudder go up your spine, your breath suddenly quickening at the thought of meeting the monster who'd killed so many people. From where you'd seen him last time, how monstrous was he now? You steeled yourself. "And I'm going to pay back that asshole for doing this to me."

        "(Name) please!," Malcom grabbed onto your arm, his face contorting in a sorrowful expression. "You don't know what you're dealing with! He's so much more than what you believe him to be." he swallowed a breath, a bead of sweat causing a cold trail across his neck. he dared not look into your dull E/c eyes. "B-back then when he first showed me the book, I thought of it as my salvation. I'd been having fears; Fears for our future and the soon to be death we would eventually walk. I couldn't just talk to you about it, how could I (Name)? For me, Richard was there; he was comforting believe it or not-"

        "And he was a complete sociopath!" You growled, not wanting to hear anything more from the man who had stabbed you in the heart.

        "(Name), listen, please I am begging you. When Richard introduced the book to me there were so many marvelous things held within it, things I could only have dreamed of if my imagination hadn't been so sparse. In it there was a way to give a person eternal life, to make you something more than you already were. If I couldn't have it, then I at least wanted to give it to you, my love, my darling, my little fruit bat." he touched the side of your cheek gingerly, causing a scoff to from upon your features as you flinched away from the boy. "But," he began shakily, "There were also other things in that god forsaken book. These things, these evil awful things....Richard is now one of them. What he made us perform was a sacrifice. He made me sacrifice you!"

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