Diary Entry 1: His Name

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August 7th 2015

Dear diary,

Something happened today and now he has my attention.

Its been a week since senior year and I'm already exhausted. The amount of assignments teachers are giving is not at all helping the cause. In addition to that, I don't pay attention, all I do is doodle along the edges and day dream. So there was a new guy, He transferred schools due to some family issues and no I didn't stalk him I just stated what everyone knew.

So about the "something" I mentioned

It was history, as usual boring so I was nodding my head when Mr. Cody looked at me just to pretend I was listening to the class, as I saw through Mr. Cody's line of sight I saw that the new guy looking at me. Wait! No, strike that. He was looking at a girl beside me. Bold of me to assume he was looking at me lol, that's when I observed his long tanned face, black curly hair, high cheekbones, and jaw-line probably stronger than my wi-fi. Was he hot? No, he's cute but in a very attractive way. Then I realized I was staring at him so I looked away but couldn't take his face out of my head damn it.
Next period was chemistry and we are to be assigned partners as we entered a new academic year. Guess who my partner was? Mr.Curly. And yes that's his new nickname until I find out his actual name. We both went to our assigned desk I introduced myself to him, he was about to introduce himself that's when Mrs James interrupted and gave us assignments to work on. I guess he'll be Mr Curly for a now. When we were doing our assignments,
I realized I was sitting next to a cute guy and I don't know how many other girls might be crushing on him and suddenly I was self conscious, my heart beat spiked up (I practically could hear it in my ears). It was not untill maths when Mr.curly and I went separate ways, I calmed down. It's probably silly to hear but that's the reason why he has my attention. I wanna know why all of a sudden I got so flustered but since it'll be creepy and not to mention weird if go ask him directly I decided I should get past this and live a life in the actual world, that attention part doesn't change though. I may or may not have developed a crush on him. Hahahan't
Everything is just so silly why did I have to look at him during history? Why did I have to get flustered in chemistry and why do I still not know his name? Ugh. I don't know what Mr Curly is doing to me but- he's really good at it and he isn't aware of it.



November 20th 2016

Dear dairy,

You know that I'm not a regular journaler. I just write whenever my head is full of complex stuff which maybe gets organised when I pen them down. Remember the crush I told you about? Yeah that turned into a full-blown liking, stalking and maybe confession in the near future (you better believe it because this is coming from a girl who couldn't even look him the eye until recently) . And hey! I made a new friend on Omegle.
Now getting into details. As you know Mr.Curly is my chemistry partner, I didn't get to know his name even after 3 months of  senior year. I'm too of an egotist to borrow his homework, I never sneaked into his books to see his name because he's always around and strangely he has no friends, But I saw him hanging out with two other guys but they are nowhere to be seen in chemistry class and history.
So there's literally no chance of me knowing his name. And all we talk about is chemistry (can you pass me the test tube? can you wash the test tube?)
so there's no chance for me to ask him his real name and also It's been months, he must be thinking that I know his name, so If I ask him now he'll be embarrassed that the girl who's his chemistry partner for 3 months doesn't even know his name. But the other day when Mrs. James was handing out test papers she addressed him as Mr.Anderson.The next day I dreamt that when I leaned down to tie my shoe lace but Mr.Anderson reached them first and helped me tie them. Clichè.

I actually don't know why I'm so attracted to him, is it because I get flustered eveytime I look him in the eye, which I did very recently- I mean I accidentally looked into the brown of his eyes because he almost caught my hand -almost- stopping me from burning the solution I pulled my hand away, seeing his sudden extension of arm. I looked at his brown eyes. so BEAUTIFUL

Another thing I observed is that he laughs, no strike that, smiles rarely. So now making him give a hearty laugh is my goal? Yes you could say that.

I was irritating Ashley (my only friend who knows about this crush of mine) with all the information about him. Strangely she knows his name and wouldn't tell me. I don't know what she has against me. I told her I know his last name. She said there are probably a bunch is Andersons in our school. Ugh I hate her. Maybe I'll pull it out of her sooner or later.Maybe it's better if I don't know his name. What if his name is Noah? Which doesn't even suit his face.
It's already November and Christmas break's gonna start in a few days , I think I'll miss him. Maybe I'll be his secret santa and "accidentally" slip off a gift. But I don't know anything about him so I can't select a gift. Ugh! why can't I talk to him? I'm really hopeless. I can talk to guys normally but there's something about him that's making me nervous everytime I'm around him.



January 4th 2016
afer the holidays ended

Dear diary,

His smile, can probably light up the whole city. And it's his smile that one smile/light chuckle when Mrs James says something extremely funny or the acknowledging smile when we enter the classroom at the same time was the thing I used to look forward to. I know it was my goal to make him laugh heartily and see the glow in his eyes, but now he's gone missing.
Mrs James said "Josh Anderson is home schooled for his reasons so Stella you'll be doing your assignments on your own till the end of this semester you can come to me for help".
Josh huh? Suits him I thought. What's the use of knowing it now? I didn't get a chance to know him anyway. Heartbroken? Yes and No.
Yes, because I like that person and I didn't know his name (well technically first name) until I have no chance of talking to him again.And no, because I didn't even have the guts to know the guy's name that's a sign right? How would I address him anyway? "Mr Anderson can I borrow your history notes I didn't note it down when Mr. Cody was teaching.?" And see his mortifying look because I addressed him by his last name?.
I still remember the time when he wore glasses to the lecture, I kept staring at him the whole chemistry class whenever Mrs James gave us instructions about the ongoing experiment, he would look at Mrs James and I would stare at him. I mean I can't help it okay he's just such an eye candy.
And then there was his pout when he found out the chemistry class was called off because Mrs James had an emergency and we had to attend PT. Not that we did anything special but I sat on the benches and watched him vibe to songs in his earphones. *Cough* stalker *Cough*
So we're over? Wait what? when did 'we' even start lol. Apart from daydreaming about about him and keep recalling the experiments we did I can't do anything I think. Do I miss him? I'd rather not answer that when it's so obvious.

Okay apart from this, Micheal, he's my new friend from Omegle, which then turned to lot of emailing, he's a little flirty and extroverted but I decided to keep things online not that there's anything but you never know how my brain works. Once he asked me what I was doing, I said I'm listening to songs, he asked the name, I said "kiss you by one direction", the next thing he said made my heart skip a beat "I'll not misunderstand if you just said 'kiss you'."
Cheesey right?. We made a deal that we'll play truth and dare whenever I'm free, which is probably never, because I hate truth and dare. Why play a game and spill your secrets? Why do you need a reason to tell something? If I want to tell something to a person I would. You don't have to force it out of me saying 'its a game'. I refused him to his face the next time he asked. r00d? Yes.


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