Diary Entry 2: End of Senior Year

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April 15th 2016

Dear diary,

There's a time in everyone's life when everything is just happening too fast. Right?.
I guess the same thing happened to me these past weeks. School, exams, prom and interview.
It's been 6 months since he was home-schooled. Everyday was hell for me. I was stalking his Facebook and Instagram now that I know his whole name. Maybe he'll come to school before graduation, maybe try I'll talk to him, try to get into the same college as him. I don't even know the college's he applied for. I almost to coaxed it out of Mrs James but bell rang at the last minute. As per me, I got a mail from San Jose State University saying that they're willing to interview me. Ash was getting into the same University but she has her interview two days after mine. I'll get into the details later.

He came, Mr Curly (because it's weird to call him by his name) to attend the finals. I recognised him by looking at his curly hair. 'it should be him!' I thought as I went around to get a clearer picture, I was right it was him,talking to his friends. I wanted to talk to him. But I didn't. What can you expect from little Miss Coward? I was happy to see him afar. He probably forgot about me.
Oh and I almost forgot about prom night.He was so hot in his white tux that I almost asked him "A photo? For ol' times sake?"
Ol' times sake my ass.
Is it me or did all the girls in my school got blind suddenly? Can't they see the the perfection infront of them? Why do I see them around the jocks and not him? maybe it's good that he's not popular. About my date , you probably might have guessed and yes it's Ash.
She almost pushed me onto him while getting drinks because she was tired of me sighing the whole night by looking at him , good thing he turned the other direction last minute. He didn't see me , not once. Why will he anyway? It's not like we're friends or anything . Graduation is next week. I'm gonna loose him if I don't do anything. I'm stuck in a now or never situation.

I'll probably remember the day of interview for my whole life. Remember Micheal? Yeah the truth or dare guy. I remember mentioning him (we exchanged numbers and a lot happened. Long story short, he's my friend now) that I'm going to San Jose for interview by train. He asked if we could meet up. I said yes.

I thought it would be awkward as hell since it was the first time for us to meet face to face but no this guy had the guts to ask me to play truth or dare after we hailed a taxi even after denying like a hundred times. I'm sleeping Micheal don't disturbed me, I said and proceeded to sleep. That guy pouted in the most adorable way I almost agreed to play truth and dare. It's an 15 minutes ride from station to uni, I prefer sleeping over that game I said putting on my earphones, getting lost in the music , getting drowsy as minutes pass. And when I got up I saw him sleeping too Good, I thought. I could sneak out without waking him up, get past him and his truth and dare. "where do you think you're going" I heard him say. "getting down" I said.

We reached the university , interview was scheduled at 1 o clock in the afternoon. I still had an hour and a half to kill plus I was hungry. "we can go have something before your interview" he said as though he just read my mind. My mouth literally dropped to the ground at his question.

I followed him to McDonald's and ordered my favourite meal. I told him I was nervous as hell
He told me to not worry like I didn't think of it before. So I said that I don't think I can control it. And then he says the most unexpected statement, which, now that I think of it was to calm me down.
"I think it's fate trying to bring us together" he said.
I laughed at that but mentally asked God why not bring me and Mr Curly together

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