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"When's he gonna get here?" eagle whined 

"If you ask me that 1 more ti-" wolf was cut off by the sound of a helicopter above when it was almost directly above the 4 men a rope was thrown out followed by a figure wearing the same SAS uniform as them just a little smaller 

"Who-" viper began but was cut off by someone racing down the road in front of them clearly passing any known speed limits before coming to a halt about a foot in front of them then a man with dark hair cut short and blue eyes as well as thin lips jumped out clearly pleased with himself.

"YES! I beat Alex! I beat Alex! I FINALLY beat him."

"Fox what the hell are you doing and who is Alex?" Snake asked 

"I'm Alex, Alex rider or as you 3 know me, Cub."  he was wearing an cap and sunglasses when he removed them the 4 soldiers realised who it was. The mere teen that they had last seen at point blanc. the teen that Wolf had relentlessly bullied last time he was there. the teen that he had also taken a bullet for. That teen. Alex got a better reaction than he had expected Eagle, of course, bounded up to him and nearly killed him with a crushing hug. Snake saw the black eye and cuts as well as one shoulder hanging slightly lower that the other and started to fuss over him. the other guy Alex didn't recognise just stood there with a confused look on his face. Wolf just watched his unit clearly unsure what he was supposed to do. Fox or Ben Daniels just stood waiting for Snake to stop fussing and eagle to calm down actually who was he kidding that would never happen also he needed to know who this other guy was he guessed it was his replacement but he had no idea. 

"So fox how did you know cub was going to be here?" Eagle asked

"He's my partner what do you mean?" Ben said confused 

"What he's actually a spy and you go on missions together?" Viper asked confused as to why MI6 would use a teenager 

"Yeah plus i adopted him so.." Fox trailed off

"What do you mean?" Snake asked 

"Classified." Alex cut in 

"Alex how did you beat me here? You were in the middle of a mission an hour ago." Ben asked 

"I may have stolen some guys Nissan then borrowed a helicopter." he put air quotes around borrowed 

"Did you use the pen Smithers gave you?" Fox said pulling a pen out he knew Alex must have used his so chucked Alex his spare he always kept on him 

"Yeah that man is a genius!" Alex said as he caught the pen clearly referring to Smithers they had always had a good relationship that Fox had never really understood 

"Come on cub lets get you and Fox to the Sargent." Wolf's voice pulled ben from his train of thought 

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