chapter 2

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(time skip to next day in class)

no one pov-

aizawa walked into the classroom without his sleeping bad. that immediately got everyone's attention.

"todays lesson is going to be a bit different. today we are going to talk about some mental health issues and how to help someone during a seizure. as hero's we need to know these things as hero's because you never know when someone's suffering or when someone's going to drop and seize in front of you"

everyone's eyes on aizawa all thinking the same thing 'but why now-' even though they where confused they all looked at there teacher to listen into the lesson he has planned for them.

"okay. to start off. mental health. there's depression, anxiety, bipolar, DID(i kinda wanna do a DID fanfiction once I've finished this one, what's your opinion on that??) and so many more. but today we are just going over depression and anxiety as they are the main big ones. to everyone in the classroom please know that everyone around you is here to help you if you need it. anyways. anxiety and depression can come in many forms. it can be very mild and capable with very little struggles. or it could be a constant life or death battle that is almost impossible to win. does anyone have any questions so far" aizawa looks around the classroom making sure to keep an eye on bakugou. he knows that he might end up asking to leave the classroom as every time the needed conversation about bakugous mental and physical health has been bought up hes tried to get away from it as quick as possible.

when he sees no one has questions he carry's on.

"a person with depression will experience depressive episodes everynow and again. they can last days. to weeks. during that time it is when said person is in one of the the worst headspaces depression can offer. some wont be able to get out of bed as its just too hard for them to handle. some may try and fight through. some do manage to fight through. other end up in there beds. some even try and attempt suicide and selfharm. but some do that even if there not in a depressive episode and it can just get too much for them to handle. i would like everyone in this room to know that i along with all the other staff are here to suffort you. so if you ever feel like harming yourself in anyways. or you this sounds fimilar to you. know we will listen and we are here to help. has anyone got any questions ?"

3 hands raised

"yes kaminari?"

"umm.. why are we learning about this now?? did something happen that we don't know about?"
the other 2 hands went down.

"we always teach mental health lessons in UA but we would usually do it closer to the end of the year with more of a warning. but i thought with all the shit you lot have been through. it needs to be said here and now. that make sense"
"YEP!! thanks for lookin out for us teach" kaminari realise smiling wide.

"lets carry on shall we. anxiety. some people with anxiety may experience panic attacks. some will not. sometimes something will cause the rise of panic and sometimes it just comes out of no where. a person with anxiety will constantly have self doubt and will over think almost everything they do which will always result in fear and more overthinking. think of it. as a swarm of bees. the sound the make. all the buzzing constantly going off. that's a brain of anxiety. constant thinking and self doubt. people with anxiety often suffer with depression just like how people with depression will often suffer form anxiety but that does not mean everyone with anxiety will deal with depression as well and i think you get what i mean. any questions ?"

no raised hands. bakugou is just looking out the window...aizawa decides to keep a close eye on him.

"panic attacks and depressive episodes.. lets start with depressive episodes and depression. depression can be caused by multiple things. abuse, bullying, trauma or it could just show up out of no where and there be no cause. not everyone who experiences depression will self harm and attempt suicide but that doesn't make them any less valid of there mental illness. you can help someone with depression by talking with them about a plan. whether that plan be going to tell someone or to try and battle it together. that's fine. but know it is a lot easier and safer to tell someone. like an adult as they will know exactly what to do and how to help. depressive episodes. try and keep the person moving. get them out of bed make sure they shower and take care of themselves. if you know someone is having a hard time make sure they are taking care of themselves because it can make it a lot easier in the end even though it feels like a war for said person when trying to do basic human needs. any questions"
he sees bakugou hesitate with his hand but then sees the boy keep it down 'i might have to take him out instead...but that would cause people to talk'

one thing can lead to a life full of changes (chronically ill bakugouxidk yet)Where stories live. Discover now