Twenty One

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"I have stood for thousands of years and have not faltered; the day I met you my legs shook."


I didn't bother to hide my distaste as I stared down at the plate in front of me. The meat was dry and burned, and what little vegetables I had been given were so far over cooked I was surprised they didn't turn to mush on my fork.

"Did you not learn to prepare and cook the meat you hunted in Nevada?" Did Nevada not teach their wolves these essential skills?

Across from me, sat opposite on the small dining table in the Nevada training cabin, Riley poked at the food on his plate, looking equally hesitant to eat anything.

Daniel looked up from his own plate, upper lip curling in irritation.

"Why would we need to learn that? We're training to be fighters not pack cooks."

"Well..." I narrowed my eyes at the male. "You need to know how to cook now. How long are you here for? Two years or five? Were you just planning on eating overcooked, burnt meat and limp, unseasoned vegetables this entire time?"

Despite my previous assumptions of the Colorado pack, most of them actually knew how to cook. Their bland meals were merely a result of lack of access to seasoning's and proper ingredient; but since I had stocked the cupboards from my trip to the human shops with Sandra, the enforcer wolves had begun to use them with ease, and without need for my interference.

The same couldn't be said for Daniel as he didn't appear to have a problem with the food he was currently shoving in his mouth as if it were his last meal. Maybe he was eating so quickly so he wouldn't have to suffer the taste for longer than necessary.

"If you don't like it. Don't eat it. I don't remember inviting you in here."

Don't snap, don't snap, don't snap.

I sighed, and glanced at Riley.

"Go to the main house and ask Lorcan for ingredients and spices for a meal for 5."

"Lorcan?" He swallowed harshly.

"He looks scarier than he is, I promise." And he's the best cook. "Quick, go on, before Alpha Harris drags us back to the main house."

The boy was up and out of his seat in a heartbeat, leaving me alone with Daniel. The two other Nevada wolves were still out on their hunting session with Sandra and would be returning any minute. I didn't want to be left alone with Daniel, but I wasn't sure adding more aggressive wolves to the mix would solve anything. Hopefully Riley would hurry.

When I met Daniels gaze again, the sudden change in demeanour threw me.

"What?" I asked slowly, suspicious of why Daniel was no longer directing a glare my way. The male didn't answer immediately, hesitation flitting across his expression.

"We both know what my Alpha thought of you," he finally uttered. "And... and I've heard what the other wolves in my pack have said about you too." Some awful things no doubt. I had overheard a fair few things myself when visiting the pack. They clearly believed I wasn't wolf enough to hear them, or they just simply hadn't cared whether I knew.

"So what? You pity me now, is that what this is?" I laughed, the sound hollow to my ears. "Someone's said something mean about me and now you feel sorry for me? You've hardly said nice things about me yourself."

Daniel rolled his eyes.

"I don't like Nero," he drawled, as if that should explain anything. "He's a young, spoilt pup who's getting special treatment because of who is uncle is. I was only acting like an ass-hole because of that, not because... not because I thought you were less than other wolves."

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