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"The people who consider you weak have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes, nor the flames inside your soul.

Let them think you are weak ad do what wolves and fire do best.

Surprise them when they least expect it."

Nikitta Gill


I groaned, face shifting deeper into the comfort of my pillow as I tried to block out the irritating sound.

"Emily!" Again that incessant voice continued, so eager to break me from my sleep, when I was so determined to stay wrapped in the warmth of my bed. It had taken me hours to finally succumb to sleep last night while wrapped in Thanes arms. Unable to think of anything other than the delicious heat of his body that seeped into every inch of me, the steady thunder of his heart in his chest, the gentle brush of his every breath against the length of my neck; I had laid awake for hours.

"Emily if you don't get up you'll sleep through training."

That woke me up.

Shooting up from the bed, my heart now pounding, I shot a wide eyed look towards the intruder. Nero. The younger boy was stood far too close for comfort, leaning across the bed towards where I had been curled up against the wall.

"What time is it?" I hissed, clambering out of the bed and shoving past him to grab whatever clothes I could find first. I had no desire to arrive late to my first training session with Lorcan. He would certainly have me running laps until I physically collapsed from exhaustion as punishment. I had waited so long for this moment, I didn't want anything to ruin it.

"You have five minutes. I don't think I've ever seen you still in bed after seven."

"Tell me about it, I feel so fucking groggy right now," I grumbled, grabbing the nearest pair of trainers and forcing them roughly onto my feet. I was only dressed in shorts and a sports bra, but I had a feeling that - much like the Alpha - Lorcan would succeeded in making me sweat. The Head Trainer didn't strike me as someone to go easy on new comers.

"Did you have a little sleepover last night Em? Your room reeks of him," Nero laughed, and then laughed even harder at the sight of my blushing cheeks. "Please tell me you did more than just sleep."

"I think I'm going to make it rule that we can never talk about him," I huffed, grabbing a hair tie and heading towards the open door. Nero was quick on my heels, following me down the stairs and into the kitchen where I grabbed my water bottle from the fridge.

"Oh, by the way, this was resting on the pillow next to you when I went to wake you up." Nero waved a small scrap of paper at me, the smirk on his face awfully taunting. His eyebrows danced suggestively, and it succeeded in causing a second flush of heat to scorch cheeks.

Snatching the note from his hands, I hissed, "And you read it?"

Snatching the note from his hands, I hissed, "And you read it?"

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