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the united states was hit hard by the devestation of SIN. but no where near as hard as japan. america was ready for the attacks. a matter of fact that no one bothered to question. they came from the eastern sea of japan. the battle against SIN in japan was an un-winnable feat of disasterous proportions. the japanese army was no more.

there eventually came a PSA or an emergency broadcast of sorts over all working telecoms-- and there werent many. only the truely prepared had a working com set-- the message was spread in a time where SIN had to rest even for a while. the remaining populations hid underground. the massive infestation that was SIN awoke to an empty country and all looked to the sky to be met with a lone twinkling light, falling from above.

there was a bright light. and the underground hideaways rattled, holding scared civilians scrambling in their stomachs. the hideaways didnt dare give way to the forces that rattle them from above. through remaining telecoms they inhabitants were instructed to remain inside the bunkers till it was deemed safe to leave. months later, word never came. the people were begining to starve themselves to ration what little provisions were left. eventually those rations went dry. the people were just flat out starving. finally. half a year had passed. the first of many had had enough and could no longer wait for the word.

many fought to keep him from opening the trap door. afraid to let in whatever may still be out there. silly... you'd think people in the year 2158 would know better than to try to hold down one on the brink of insanity. humans dont learn well enough.

the metal swung upward and over on its hinges. Kenji Tanaka, had taken the first breath of what was supposed to be fresh air in half a year.

the fallout was ridiculous. streets no longer had names. there wasnt a single structure standing. roads paved over with dirt and sand. Japan had gone with the nuclear suicide.

the land was highly irradiated. the air, barely safe enough to breath.


Gina awoke the next day, her vision still not quite right, however her eyes are finally back in the right positions facing forward. just the blur and after image of anyone and anything in her field of sight, the dizziness and slight headache that was only relieved when her eyes were closed. alternating between closed and open so frequently, it took a moment. but noticed only when her eyes were closed, there was a familiar smell from beyond the curtain that separates the secret room from the rest of the room. her eyes remained shut and for a long moment questioned whether or not she should investigate. with no other sound present, assuming the room was empty of enemy personnel, she decided it was worth the risk. but.. she knew she had to be smart about it. how she's gonna do it without being seen is a serious conundrum.

who knows how long the room has been empty and whether or not anyone would be coming soon. she listened. nothing but the sound of silence. like not being able to hear at all. nothing but a powerful ringing in her ears that some may mistake for tinnitus.

she moved quicker than she initially intended. keeping her eyes shut, till she knew she was close to the sourse of the smell. she wandeder two paces then a third ahead of the curtain. she almost tripped forward on the fourth. the abrupt halt almost sending her forward.

the source directly to her left. the opened one eye. just a crack, squinting through it real hard. trying to focus through the blur and the bright of her somewhat unfamiliar surroundings. all she saw was an aged corpse. possibly one of the inhabitants of the camp, living here against their will. pushed and worked too hard, and given permission to sleep off their exhaustion here. no. she isnt that dense. it took her a moment but she figured it was the man who brought her here and came every day to check on her to see if she was safe and well. to check on her well being. this man was her guardian angel.

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