lost butterfly

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Matthew dragged the young woman to an infirmary. in the southeastern most part of the building. because it was placed inside a base full of soldiers (or at least people posing as such) there was no doubt there had to be someone working there even at this hour.

nova sat in his cell. angry that he wasnt released. mourning the loss of a fellow warrior. and fertilized with revenge. the last he saw of dexter, six calvatia came to the battle field. three carried nova's worn figure one away, and three took Dexter another. Nova didnt bother trying to fight them. there was no point now that his rival was dead.

a clout of Calvatia gathered around an open corpse who's chest moved not one millimeter. their nerves wracked, being watched by eyes of the deepest crimson red. they never had the opportunity to  study a Nycrotian personally. their history has taught them that just cause it's dead, doesnt mean it's safe. but it didnt look like it was gonna get up and walk anytime soon.

"find anything?"

"nothing. no internal damage, and it looks as though the nano machines are working. if I had to guess, his heart must have rejected them, simulating cardiac arrest. so his heart just stopped."

"what about the implant?" a third mechanical voice asked.

"the implant is dead. let's replace his stomach. he may as well be dispatched as a whole."

"what of the nano machines?"

"leave them. a blood screening on a corpse is pointless."

nova sat alone in a trance. his eyes closed. his legs tucked under him. what was going through his mind, even he didnt know. all he knew is he was learning and studying the past.

Gina felt her eye-lids being pulled apart, a cold object placed on her chest, then her back, and voices of the unfamiliar following.

"will she be alright?" a matured voice asked

"well to state the obvious, her eyes are rolled back. chances of them coming back are miniscule. im not trained for this sort of thing, im trained to treat flesh wounds and such."

"I just hope she isnt mentall now..."

"well I wouldnt put it passed her, these injuries look pretty serious. her back has some serious abrasions, slightly cut up and splintered. and the back of her head has some swelling. I'll hide her in the back for the time being and treat her there. but I cant promise anything. not at the moment at least."

"at the moment?" repeated Matthew.

"you know as well as I, there are almost no medical professionals alive these days. those who still live choose to hide, or deny their identity. but I have a friend who can help if I cant do anything for her." a man matching Matthews years looked at him through aged and tired optical observers. his spectacles dusted and scratched.

does a corpse just get up and walk? do the dead just stand and kill? there was a six body count. one beat gave him enough life to kill one. two beats gave him enough to kill three. and a third let him finish the job. the fourth, made him tired. weak. only allowed him strength to crawl. but not very far. Dexter's head nodded Into his arms, as he lay there on the floor. his heart finally stopped beating.

dexter still had a sense of feeling. he could feel his heart still as stone. his lungs empty of breath. the cold hands of Death's embrace. and the warmth of his undying anger. but through that anger, he felt a calm, strong as castle walls. in death, his anger could not penetrate this calm. as though his anger didnt truely exist. or more like his emotions themselves were numb. they were there, but he couldnt truely feel them the way he knows he should.

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