Gossiping by the Well (Effa's Side Story)

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"Okay, Mom. I'm going to go wash the dishes." 

"Thank you, Tuuli."

After finishing breakfast, Tuuli took the dirty dishes and headed to the well. I opened the door and saw her off, then sighed and walked straight to the bedroom.

Today was Earthday, which meant that both I and my daughter Tuuli were off work, but my soldier husband Gunther had the morning shift. He had already left so as to take his place at the gate before it opened at second bell. Once Myne and Tuuli left to go gather in the forest, I planned to do the laundry then preserve the food we bought yesterday for the winter.

Everyone was already setting out, but Myne was still rolling around in bed and showing no signs of getting up. "Would you wake up already, Myne?! Second bell has already rung. Aren't you going to the forest with Tuuli and Lutz today?"

"Uh huuuh. I'm goiiin'..." Myne struggled out of bed, looking sleepy, and started washing her face. She was already bathing enough that it was beyond me why she felt the need to go out of her way and wash her face each morning. Myne's hatred of being dirty was so extreme that it was something of a joke among the neighborhood wives.

"Myne, you can wash your face later. Focus on finishing your breakfast first."

"...Okay." She pouted a bit, looking unhappy, but she quickly bundled her hair up with a stick. With a little heave ho, she climbed up the chair closest to the hearth and began eating breakfast. Myne was late to wake up and slow to eat — nothing would get done if I waited for her to eat breakfast.

"Tuuli's already gone to the well to clean dishes. I'll be following her soon after to do laundry. You may use the water in the jug, so please try to wash your own dishes once you're done eating."

"Okaaay." I listened to Myne's sleepy reply from behind as I picked up a basket packed with dirty clothes and made my way outside. Cold air immediately blew against me.

"It certainly got cold early this year." The wind was getting colder as autumn went on. I speedily walked down the steps and shuddered at the thought of how cold the well water would be.

Excluding soldiers like Gunther, the majority of people had Earthday off. The well was surrounded by a number of wives, all doing laundry and cleaning dishes.

"Hi, Mom." Tuuli stopped cleaning dishes to wave at me. "I'll go to the forest once I'm done with the dishes. Did Myne wake up?"

"She's eating breakfast right now."

"Myne's always so slow. Doesn't she know Lutz is coming to see her?" she said with a pout as she gathered up the dishes. "I'll go hurry her up and start getting ready myself. The things I do for her..."

Lately, Tuuli had been taking such good care of her sister that I had to question whether Myne was so lazy in the morning because she knew Tuuli would be there for her. I could imagine that some of it had to do with Myne getting healthier and learning her limits. In the past, she had always just cried and said it wasn't fair that only Tuuli got to go outside, but now she sincerely complimented her sister for being capable of doing so many things she couldn't.

There was no mistaking that Tuuli was absolutely overjoyed that she could go to the forest with Myne now. Even when she sounded frustrated or exasperated, her expression was soft and her step had a brisk skip in it. I was just glad they were getting along.

"Tuuli is such a lovely little girl, working hard and even taking care of her sick little sister."

"Mhm. Tuuli is so perfect I almost find it strange." I responded to my neighbor's praise with a smile and secured a spot for doing laundry. I weaved between the wives toward a slightly open spot and set my basket down with a thump.

Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 1 Volume 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon