s1:ep1→ the curse of (y/n)

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(y/n) (l/n), the most ordinary person with the most ordinary life,

...but in this universe, you are far, far from that.

"Hey, is it just me or did your hair suddenly change color?" 6 year old you gawked and pointed out your friend's neon green hair. You don't have the heart to tell them but neon green is a disgusting color, according to your 6-year-old brain.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I always looked like this!" Your friend remarked as they munched on their favorite potato chip brand. You blanched, your young mind cannot comprehend this perplexing news so you decided to ignore it and continued playing on the swing.

You tried eavesdropping on the other children's conversation but not one bit have you heard about the sudden change of their hair color.

You tried your best to ignore it, really.

You really did.

But whenever you spot that eye-catching hue of green and the other different hair colored kids really pissed you off so you decided to leave your friend at the playground.

Children are usually attracted to colorful things but 6-year-old you was really weirded out. It reminded you too much of those colorful-haired troll toys you see on TV, that thought alone made you shiver in fear.

Can't get a good night's rest without thinking about those icky—

You bumped into a pink-haired kid that you guessed was also the same age as you. You were about to apologize but you noticed how strange his eyes were. Violet...the same color as Tw*light Sp*rkle's hair! ..or maybe Rarity's? Were you an avid fan of My L*ttle P*ny: Fr*endship is M*gic? No, you weren't. You don't like how girly it looked. The reason why you know that cartoon show and the names of the characters were because of your neon green-haired ex-friend.

"Your knee.." The kid in front of you softly mumbled, his hair reminded you of over-saturated cotton candy but at least the color is tolerable, unlike your ex-friend. You looked down, now noticing how badly you scraped your own knee.

Were you about to cry? No, you're not. You're a tough cookie.

Papa always told you to not cry over trivial things. Suddenly, you remembered seeing your papa cutting a purple circle and he cried; You would've called him a hypocrite if you knew that word existed or what it means.

Without saying a word, the kid hovered his hand over your knee, making the wound disappear. You smiled, too tired from all the current events to even acknowledge how weird it was for a wound to quickly heal. Looks like you found yourself a new friend.

"Are you headed to the playground?" You asked, tilting your head. When he nodded, you quirked your eyebrows, not really in the mood to go back to that rainbow-filled hell. Where to...then? You asked yourself. You recalled that one time where your papa brought you to a riverbank and he slipped and fell into the dirty waters. Maybe you two can play there?

You leaned closer to the boy, "You shouldn't, that place is filled with trolls," You whispered to him like a devil on his shoulder, "I know a place, come play with me!" You offered your hand to him, grinning. The kid stared at you for a minute, he looks confused but still took your hand. To the riverbank, it is.

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