s1:ep21→(part i) occult activities gone wrong

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(A/N: Sorry for the late upload! Here are 7k words full of misunderstandings and dilemmas.)

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It was, alas, the end of Christmas break and the beginning of another dreaded day of school. Those couple of weeks of vacation felt like a fever dream. A few chatters -- mostly complaints -- can be heard here and there and students lurk around the academy's hallways like reanimated corpses.

And Kusuo was no different. He regrets staying up so late at night for five days straight.

His ever so zestful 'circle of friends' cornered him at his desk like a bunch of thugs and drained what's left of his energy; his exasperated expression, which was openly directed at everyone, rendered useless. They didn't catch on to his cold and monosyllabic answers either, much to his chagrin.

"Hey, runt, what'd you get for Christmas?" Nendou's voice boomed, heedless of the volume. The punk leaned on Saiki's desk and blocked the psychic's vision from the board.

"Oh, you know," Kaidou began, "Cool stuff." Which translates to 'I got a bunch of shitty socks and sweaters but they're pretty comfy'.

"Oh, right!" Kaidou beamed, face slightly flushing, "(y/n) got me this really cool sword! It looks so realistic and I almost cut my mom's head off!" he excitedly revealed, voice cracking. He showed a photo of the item on his phone for a brief moment before shoving it back into his pocket. Kaidou quickly composed himself, clearing his throat. "Well, it's not like I, Jet-black wings, need a sword since I already have a super-powerful hidden ability, but it'll come in handy someday," he shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

Saiki closed his eyes in irritation due to the noises being so close to his ear. Nendou's boisterous laugh, Kaidou's annoying sputtering, and Kuboyasu's side comments are slowly killing the pink-haired teenager on the inside.

Even though Kusuo was sleep-deprived and on the verge of dying, there was one missing link that's keeping him awake and aware. The seat located behind him remained quiet and vacant -- the seat that belongs to his one and only sleazy classmate, (y/n) (l/n). No wonder his already disastrous day felt like it's lacking something. Like a novel missing 1/4 of its pages, completely missing the climax, and skipping straight to the falling action, it was. . .somewhat unsatisfying.

Saiki has the right to be suspicious and curious about your whereabouts after all the bullshit you've pulled and he might as well make it a continuous thing to stop whatever commotion you're causing. Slowly standing up from his seat, he deliberately walked out of the classroom quietly. He needed an excuse to get away from the energetic bunch anyway.

First things first, Saiki needs clues. He remembered spotting you by the school gates harassing one of the Occult Club's members, Makino Arisu. Saiki recalled the poor girl covering her red face with her thatch of hair as you completely forget that personal space and human decency was a thing. The psychic debated whether to separate you from the noirette student but he was too tired to care and instead picks up a pebble with the use of his psychokinesis and flung it straight to your head.

Logically thinking, you're either inside the Occult Club doing God knows what or you died ( the possible culprit would be the pebble that he threw at Mach speed ) and your body was thrown into a nearby river. Saiki wouldn't be surprised if the latter actually happened.

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