s1:ep15→there's more than one way to skin a cat

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"AHHHHHHHH" you screamed on top of your lungs as you flee from a couple of cops in your frilly maid uniform while clutching a wooden baseball bat in your dominant hand and a green haired child who you don't know on the other.

Ever wonder how you got in this situation?

It was a sunny Saturday, you were outside the café holding a mini blackboard advertising its deals and prices when you spot a suspicious man coercing a child into an alleyway.

You'd normally just ignore it and assume that it's just an unsuspecting father and his youngest son walking towards a dark and totally not suspicious alley that is definitely not filled with drug traffickers and homeless people but you're a changed person ( or at least that's what you hope you are ) and you're not letting that slide.

Admittedly, you have a moral backbone of a chocolate eclair and you are well-aware that you got a special place in hell but you want God to at least hesitate once you kick the bucket.

When you spot a conveniently placed bat right beside you, you immediately ditched the blackboard to whack the man at the back of his head and take the child with you. Unfortunately, with a face as shady as yours ( blame it on the genes ), you were mistaken as an assaulter and a kidnapper.

You'll have to write a two page apology to Mr. Mizuki for taking an early day off.

"Shit-shit-shit-shit-- " you cursed under your breath, making sure the kid doesn't hear the profanities spilling from your mouth. Quickly diving into an alley that's conveniently wide enough for a child and a teenager to pass through but not adults, the two of you hid in the darkness, hoping that the deities above won't snitch on your asses.

"Why are we running?" The kid panted, smiling, seemingly excited. Oh to be an oblivious child. You miss it.

"We're playing tag," you easily lied through your teeth, "Do you know where you live? The prize is at your house." You're never good with kids, but you're good at tricking them and swindling their money. You only stopped when your favorite 1st grade teacher caught you; you were extremely heartbroken. Not only from the fact that you didn't get the money, but also at the disappointed face your teacher gave you.

Much to your dismay, the kid shook his head. Bold of you to assume that this child is smart enough to remember his way home.

Before you could retort, you felt something furry walk past your legs -- at first, you thought it was a rat and you were ready to scream out all the adrenaline left in your system and give out your location but a soft mewl managed to calm you down. Barely. Cats are evil.

Something about that snow coated cat reminds you of someone -- but you're too panic-stricken to think about it.



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