The Old Days

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There a part of me that won't let go of this little town

The town I've called my home since I was 5

I'm 15 now and leaving

Setting off on a new adventure of my own

Leaving everything I've known

This place is my childhood

The park lot of the high school down the road

I had my first kiss there

The park a mile away

Is where I'd walk to see my sister

But most of all the town is where we all went

The library were we could catch up on gossip

The ice cream stand where we would act stupid

But we were able to be ourselves there

Even the hill

Where we had our thrills

We rode down our bikes

At lightening speed

Might have been dangerous

Especially because mine had no breaks

But it was the life

It was our summer and fall nights

We'd stay out til the sunset

Then go to the movie theatre

Yelling at screen with my best friends

Remembering all the moment we shared

But when I pulled down that main road

I said my goodbyes to all those places

Because I knew it wouldn't be like the old days


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