Just One More Story (Chpt 3)

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Ok. I hope you like this. I really put a lot of time on the next chapter, chapter 4. aanndd really, you shouldn't miss it. it's quite interesting. to catch chapter 4, you should get to read at least from paragraph 6, the one that starts: next time i woke up at..... ETC. so i really hope u like this. kisses to all, and thanks again to all of you.

Chapter 3

He arrived like 20 minutes before. I had my eyes closed, and I just didn’t feel like it, I didn’t know why I did that. But when I was going to the passenger seat, my body stood still. Without any movement. I looked into his eyes, and felt sorry. He had come a long way to meet me up. And it wasn’t fair what I was gonna say to him. But since I care about other people when I have my own problems? So I instantly said it.

“You know? I’m sorry you came here at this hour, but I can see that you’re looking for other thing from me. I just don’t trust you, and you cannot lie to me. I know what you want. And you know what else? You’re not gonna get it from me, so go and buy another girl, but not me. I thought you weren’t like that.” He stayed quiet and gave me a menacing look. “What the hell are you telling me bitch?” He shouted. “Leave me alone, I’ve had too much for today.” I went away as quickly as possible and pushed smoothly Jelly inside my bag kissing her ears, this would clearly be a tough moment for a little kitten inside a hand-bag. Got my iPod and totally ignored him. I threw my bottle at the air, seconds after I heard the crash, and then music filled my ears. I quickly started to run. Trying not to trip off my feet and fall. What should I do know? I went to a small roadside motel, a lower building. I knew it was cheap; I normally didn’t go to this type of places. My family had money and I had never been in any hotel like for less than five stars or something like that. I turned my look back for a second to see I was alone, anyone was following me. I felt safe and I reached for the motel. I was there, alright. The worst had passed. But really, it was 6 a.m… I got my room number and opened the door through the sinister and classy hallway.  It was so old-fashioned and so cold. I placed my Dior hand-bag on the bed and leaned against the pillow, closing my eyes. I heard Jelly meow many times and got her in my lap. I was totally down, and so exhausted. I slept quite fast. I forgot totally about anything I had been living lately. I slept and slept, till I wanted finally to wake up.

My cell rang. I opened vaguely my eyes and closed them again and then, opened them again. I reached for it and looked to the screen. Mickey? Why is he calling me now?

“Yeah? What do you want?” I answered rudely. “Look – Just forget me. Ok? Just call to say that you’ll pay for what you did yesterday, do you think you’re gonna get away with it, like if it happened nothing?” He responded rapidly. “Yup, you said it!” I swallowed. “You’ll pay, bitch.” He said.  

I really don’t think I did anything that bad, sincerely, it happens every day. However I hung up the phone and closed my eyes again.

Next time I woke up it was 3 p.m. I wasn’t tired anymore, and I felt fantastic, well. My heart was kind of broken. But the rest was alright. It wasn’t broken because of the boy, not because of my life, but because of my little brother. You don’t know how it hurt. How much it hurt to leave there my little brother alone. Without me, I wish I’d see him again. This misery was killing me inside, I gotta chill out. I fed my kitten with some tuna I bought for her last night at the 21-hour shop and some milk. I needed to smoke a little. So I saw Jelly making a mess with her food. She was so cute. I dressed up. Black tank-top and white broken shorts. And I got brown heeled boots I got last night. I only had those. I got down the stairs and walked over the parking lot, reaching quietly to the… bar was very generous to call it. I sat down and looked over to see any interesting people. Not to forget I was 16, but I was like 19 in these boots. So I was sufficiently confident with myself to stand there, in the bar. “Coffee please, with lots of sugar and little milk. I also want a packet of snuff, please.” I said confident. He looked at me and went towards the machine. He made me an indication. “Oh, the cheapest, thanks.” I said politely. He gave it to me quickly and went for the coffee. This place was a little dirty, wasn’t it?

Some boys went inside. I think I saw them yesterday, they were with some girls, they were real bitches, or at least acting like ‘em. They were so over the place. I finished my coffee and stood up. Pushed up my boobs and lifted my pink panties slightly up with my shorts ran down, so they became more visible. I lighted a cigarette and started smoking seductively, with my eyes set on him. A fit black haired boy, with dark eyes and fit arms and incredibly sexy. I walked through slowly and waited for the gossip behind my back. It was then, when they whistled behind me, as I moved sensually, no one could really resist me. Two of them followed me. I walked till I was at the parking lot and leaned over a black Porsche unknowing what the hell it was doing here. The looked at me from my legs to my tank-top till my beautiful angel’s face.

“Hey” They said nearly in unison. “Wassup” I seduced them. “Hey chick, would you come tonight to a party?” They invited me, and they would be like about 18… OMG!!! “Sure, where is it?” I replied trying to be ‘difficult’. “Far from here.” They looked at me again. “I don’t know then, - I lighted another cigarette and walked over nearer to them, -… You know, it’s far, and someone would need to take me there. I don’t need to be here for any reason, but I need money, and a car.” I said looking at the Porsche, they each looked at themselves and looked at my cleavage. I smiled, they smiled completely dazed into my eyes. “We’ll sort that out, come with us.” They whispered. “That black beauty is ours.” The blond one said. “Quite interesting. My name is Jessie, nice to meet both of you.” I said convinced this was it, I got them completely. “I am James.” He told me, we kissed on the cheeks. And now, the one I was interested in. The hot guy. The sexy boy, the AWW! “Hey, I’m Albie. Well Albert, I just prefer Albie.” We kissed; I kissed him on the cheeks. I smiled and looked at them. “We gotta eat something, we’ll see later. Your room number?” James said. “202” I said precisely. Still looking at Albie’s eyes. I threw the cigarette to the floor, and lose myself into his eyes. I made him a sign, like saying –come with me- He said something to James I didn’t get. I walked towards my room and felt steps following me. Albie, Albie was following me.

I opened the door and let him in. I touched his hand, and called Jelly. She appeared behind the closet. I picked her up and gave her to Albie. I said nothing; I was too busy cleaning the mess she did with the tuna. I threw it away and went to the bathroom to clean my hands. Jelly was so calmed now; he left her on the floor and came closer to me. “You’re so hot.” He whispered smoothly, waiting for my response. I kissed him slowly, and he kissed me back.        

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