Before I begin telling you everything, I just want you guys to know this isn't your fault it's the people who drove me to do this. And I'm seeing somebody to stop, but its really hard since I've been doing it since the 1st grade. Somettimes I often wounder why I'm here or why people do what they do. just 3 days ago I cut my left arm and if you ask me why I would tell straight out. And I moved from kenosha to salmon, so I can get a new start but It just went wrong I was getting bullied again, I didn't want to tell anyone or who it was and I'm not gonna say who cause if they ever found out I could get picked on worse. I just wanted to say for thoses who pick on me that i'm gonna end up dying from mass of blood loss and you have to live with that on your mind cause that was your fault. And I'm sorry I never wanted to be like this and everyday I try... and try to keep that smile on my face and be an up-beat person and act like im alright but really I'm dying inside. I really just need that one friend to go to or tell them everything and they would help me, Not spread that all over the school. And if you see me hurting, or when I say i'm fine, please don't be that bitch who makes everything worse. its 4:47 PM and I'm still at school I'm sosposed to be working but I chosed to write this instead. I often look down at my left arm and remember why I did that, But yet It just feels so good do it cause.. well it understands my pain. I try really hard not to cry at school or when people are around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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