Trading Hearts

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My heart was in my own hands.
A bleeding organ, bound to hell.
Ready to be fed to Cerberus himself.
I give to you, this broken soul.
This troubled mind that took its tole.
Your hands are warm on my cold heart.
You hold it tenderly, but fall it won't.
It begins to thump an irregular rhythm.
Seeking the love it has been so long forbidden.
The beat is slow, not measured but there.
A sound that had been absent for many years.
The life being jolted back into my heart.
By your hands; so soft and gentle.
They hold me close and don't let go.
Know that is which I desire the most.
A grip that's firm, yet loving still.
The man that is you.
So sweet.
Like sugar.
But with spice.
A dash of something different.
Not pretty, but it's there.
In plain sight for any who look.
I sought and I found.
Those demons you've buried deep.
Within that strong yet fearful heart.
A trade we made.
Not of diamonds or of spades.
Nor clubs are bargained for.
We traded our hearts, forming a deal.
A fragile deed.
Easily broken.
But not painlessly.
Each becoming hopelessly attached.
Afraid the other will leave.
Even I, am wary and afraid.
Frightened that you'll move on.
Find a doll much better and smarter.
Much prettier and easier to handle.
And sometimes I wonder.
Do you think of another?
Do you wish we weren't together?
Am I holding you back from them?
All those girls that seek your love.
Would you rather accept theirs than mine?
It'd be simpler I know.
You always did say I was complicated.
Confusing and challenging too.
But I never did claim to be easy.
And this, of course, you knew..
Despite my doubt, you've chosen to stay.
And from your side, I'll never stray.
As long as I hold your heart..
And as long as you hold mine..

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