April 2001

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April 2001 was filled by days of joy for the wizarding world.


Voldemort had been defeated in 1998.
And although losses in recent years have been higher than anything they had ever imagined, the survivors were still relieved that it was over.

They went to victory celebrations as long as possible for the past tree years, because as soon as they had passed, their thoughts would automatically move back to their loved ones, friends and relatives who were not there to celebrate.

Four people from the Order of the Phoenix hadn't left.
George, Tonks, Remus and Harry.
The first three had not left for a week.

They sat alternately on Harry's bed, ate, bought and read the latest Daily Prophet.

Ultimately, it was to come, as the prophecy foretold.

Harry vs. Voldemort.

And even though Harry had been weakened by the weeks of his imprisonment, he had destroyed the Dark Lord.
Nothing remained, his wand had fallen to the ground an was broken publicly three days later.

Nailed It.
He had met his fate.

They were free.

Only a few thousand lives poorer...

Harry gave interviews for the Daily Prophet, visited the Ministry to give his view of the victory over Voldemort and then accepted a place of honor in the Wizengamot.

He then distanced himself from the world of magic for two months.
He just had to get out, see something else, think and grieve.
Remus was his faithful companion and a pleasant roommate.

It was June when Harry was finally called to the Ministry once again.

He had hesitated,but went nonetheless.

Harry made his presence known at the register and was then sent to the Department of Mysteries. There he expected Francis Dutch More, the Minister for Magic, his deputy and a representative of the Unforgivables.

"Minister Dutch," Harry greeted and nodded to the others.

"Why am I here?"

The Minister motioned for him to sit with them and cleared his throat before he began.

"We have done all we could to rebuild our world the last three years. But it seems that you-know-who still has power over us even now."

In Harry's breakfast turned into a lump of ice in his stomach.
"What do you mean?"

"Well, for one we have waves of refugees that streamed out from Britain to America. Do you know how many witches and wizards have left in the last 7 years? Around 3476. Then there are the victims of war and the families of former Deatheaters. Overall, we have lost more than 10 000 wizards and witches."

Harry immediately recognized the problem. Every society needed enough people to reproduce themselves and maintain an economic, cultural and political system.
Especially important was the well after decades of war and terror.

"How many are we still?"

"Just over 2000."

"But how do you maintain public life?"

"Not at all,. At least, soon the public will no longer accept our excuses any longer. Most of the wizarding families have come together in London and Hogsmeade. Many other cities in the UK now have virtually no population of wizards anymore. We have been in contact with many refugees. But most are quite happy with their new life in the States, and will not come back. In short, we will not be able to exist this way. Many of those who are still here, are over 50 years old. In the years wizards may indeed be quite young. Nevertheless, it is their children and their children are the ones who have emigrated. The death rate will exceed the birth rate."

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