chapter 14

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(Bokuto's pov)

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Suga yelled at me through the phone

"Hey don't yell at me, it wss very hot and i wanted to know if you could cook an egg on a car under the was-.."


"then.. i'm confused.."


"w-what..?!... Suga, aren't you in *****?? how is akaashi here.. when.."  I started saying, but i was interrupted by a slightly allarmed and confused Suga.

" you didn't meet with him?"

"" i saw, looking at the ground.. i wanted to hang up and run to my akaashi.. but.. now everything was so..different. we barely even talk.

"hold on, kuroo has to tell me something.." Suga says, followed by almost 10 secs of silence


"WAIT WHAT" I say extremely confused. Suga sounded really scary, i almost got goosebumps.


I can feel my face change to a crimson shade of red.

"Wait.. yes IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING I SWEAR. Sugawara it-.."

"Akaashi?.. hey, you ok?... oioi akaashi!" I could hear Suga's voice being distant from the phone, i get worried hearing his tone.

"Suga?.. Suga!! is akaashi ok?"

"Akaashi..!" Right, if he's distant from the phone he can't hear me.. i thought.  fuck. I hang up and ran to Kuroo's house.

I ran without stopping for a second. I couldn't calm down, i couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened to Akaashi, if he was okay, if he needed something, if he ate enough, if he had been having trouble sleeping.. if he missed me.

People in the streets kept giving me weird looks, i get that, i must look like a crazy man, but i literally couldn't give a fuck. he was in trouble. he was hurting. nothing else matters.

Aftet about 10 minutes, i got there and ran in. I followed Suga's voice to kuroo's bedroom. I calmed down as soon as i saw akaashi laying down on bed, sleeping with his gorgeous and calm angel face. Suga was running his fingers through Akaashi's hair. I amiled at that. I am so very grateful to him, he was always there to listen and take care of Akaashi.. even when it should've been me.

Soon later Suga noticed me and turned around, giving me an "i'm going to kill you" look as he stood up and dragged me out of the room, closing the door carefully.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Suga whispered agressively. he was furious, but i could see a hint of sadness on his face. he was clearly worried for both me and akaashi. 

"I... i didn't mean anything. i rejected her okay? i don't know what's happening. is he okay? please tell mw he's okay! i haven't heard from him in a while, he never replies or even sees my messages.. i thought he just forgot about me.. even though he could never do thqt, he is too precious to be like that. I miss him Suga, i was worried, i'm still worried. Please tell me he's okay!"

i couldn't think straight, my words were quicker than my thoughts. Suga had a weird look on his face seeing me panicking so much. As soon as i stoped talking the door opened and i could see Akaashi's sleepy face emerge from the dark of the room. he was rubbling his eye like little kids do as soon as they wake up or when they're too tired. That solely made me blush.

"i'm's fine" akaashi said with a raspy and sleepy voice. so cute.

I looked away, blushing more. I couldn't get any words or even aound out of my mouth. my heart was beating extremely fast. I hurt him, he saw me.
That's when I realized. He saw me ger "over" him. he saw me kiss sakura.
I looked down, i didn't have the courage to face him even though i could feel his eyes on me.

Akaashi's pov

I looked at him, dissapointment in my eyes. he was ignoring me, somehow. Well, i get it. Why is he even here? i thought he has something to do, someome else to do, to be precise. Am i petty? maybe, but just think: you finally find someone who u can love immensely,  someone who truly cares about you and loves u back. Then you leave for a business trip and boom! he gets a girlfriend and when you go surprise him, he's sucking the life out of her. I get that we never settled and actually asked one another to be in a relationship, but wtf.

I sighed. "i have to go home." i wales past them both. I could feel suga'a worried look on me.

"hey, keiji wait you can't.. you passed out you can't just go home.. just stay here tonight alright? we'll go grab the stuff for the beach trip at your house tomorrow.. okay?

i sighed again.

"fine..." i stopped on my tracks and sighed. suddenly i started feeling dizzy again. I placed a hand on face, my eyes were weird, everything had spots on it, i couldn't see properly. I placed my other hand on the wall so get some balance. Before my knees gave out, someome picked me up bridal style. I knew that smell, that touch, those arms.. it was bokuto. I looked at him. he was blushing but his face was extremely serious, almost scary. As i analyzed his face carefully, i noticed that his eyesbrows were furrowed and his eyes were glossy. Was he worried?

He laid me down on the bed and tried to non chalantly turn around and leave.  I stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

Bokuto turned around, a bit surprised by that unexpected action.
I looked up at him. I missed him. I needed to be with him, even if just for a couple minutes more. Of course, I was still mad.. or to be more precise, i was hurt. I don't care if he doesn't want me anymore, or if he actually has someone else he loves way more than he loves me. I don't care if he doesn't love me or care for me or doesn't even wants to see me. I need him. I need him to stay with me just a little bit longer. I know this all sounds selfish but.. have you ever had someone that selflessly and truly cared about you? someone so precious that would give anything up for you and that genuinely loved you and wished you the best.. how could anyone let that go so easily. Of course, this doesn't mean i think i deserve him.. oh fuck no i don't.. but he's too important to just let go.

His expression went from a surprised look to a soft gaze with a little smirk forming at his lips, almost like he couldn't help it.

Without a word, I pulled him towards me in a harsh passionate kiss, only to pull away and turn around afterwards. I wanted to clean him, get rid of her lips. I wanted to mark my territory.

I could feel Bokuto standing there, saying nothing. I could feel the tension in the air but I gave it no thought, my head was too dizzy and my chest still hurt, I was not ready to talk to him.

So I laid there, and after hearing the door close, fell asleep.

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