8: Animosity

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"You alright?"

Blake lifted his chin with a start, and stared. Amelia had her arms crossed while she glanced right at him. Her gentle gaze plus a raised eyebrow conveyed both her amusement as well as her bewilderment.

"Oh. Me? Yeah. Fine."

"You sure?" Cameron pulled out a can of soda out of his backpack, but subsequently dropped it on some rocks and dirt. "Dangit. Well, you looked half asleep throughout classes today."

"Just, um, didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Or this weekend, really." That at least was true.

"I hear that," said Cameron as he picked up the can. "Some nights? I just don't get enough sleep. I've been the same way lately."

"You have?" You've seen spectres in greater numbers than usual and crazy shadow monsters that have no explanation for being there?

"Yeah!" Cameron now had a big smile on his face while he spoke. "With the end of the year coming up, summer vacation is just around the corner! We'll get three months to do all kinds of fun stuff!"

Blake paused, thought it over...and gently threw his hands into the air. "You got me."

"Figured as much!" Cameron laughed.

Someone approached from Blake's right a few seconds later. June strolled across the grassy park, with a few white packages in hand. In the distance sat a boxy truck with some colorful signs and images on its side. Blake gave her a small wave as she walked within a few feet of them.

"So, good news!" June grabbed two of the white packages, and tossed one each to Blake and Amelia, both of whom caught it with ease.

"Joshua had the Cherry Bombs, so easy peasy. And Cam? He also had the White Fudgesicle."

"Sweet!" Still clutching the soda can, Cameron thrust a victorious fist into the air. June tossed him a white package also, which he caught somewhat clumsily. He then popped the can open...but it spurted on his face and flowed over the sides a little. Some of it dripped on his shorts creating dark splotches on the khakis.


The other three laughed as they opened their packages. Blake immediately smelled the cherry, and wasted no time in gently licking off the red exterior. Amelia did the same. But June bit into the top of hers with a brief cringe.

"Cold! Cold."

"They're called ice cream bars for a reason," said Blake.

"Shut it!"

Nearby Cameron struggled to properly position his own bar and messy soda. Meanwhile, Amelia immediately created conversation.

"Saw you talking to Joshie again," she said. "Any interesting gossip to report?"

"Not a lot." June shook her head also. "Just mentioning being excited for the summer and get good business again with the truck. He did say his neighbors got sick too, apparently."

"Oh? That's not good."

Blake lifted his chin. "Got sick....too?"

Cameron just rolled his eyes, but Amelia smacked him in the shoulder with the back of her hand. "Miss Jeana sent him to the front office with those papers, remember? He wasn't there for that conversation."

He only tilted his head a little, but Amelia began an explanation without hesitation. "I heard Dalton's dad and sister got sick with something, and apparently he was a bit feverish too. And Haley told me that old couple that live a few doors down from her? They're not doing great either."

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