Chapter 2 - This Fire Grows Higher

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Eating breakfast with my family seemed more tedious than it had ever been before. We stared at each other blankly, wondering what to say. It could have been the impending silence followed by a crinkle of the newspaper or the crunch of cereal against spoon, or perhaps, it was because we were not used to living in such cramped quarters. Most people would never dare to call our house confined. After all, it was a house. However, the Boleyn family had grown accustomed to mansions and manors with private promenades and conservatories.

When we lived in the mansion, we lived like strangers. It was like a hotel or resort full of strangers that hung out and ate dinner together once in a while. We never saw one another because the house was so vast. And now, we did not know how to behave because this seemed so weird; being a family. I wanted to put as much distance between us as I could manage, but how could I do it when we would be seeing one another every day.

The downfall of our family was due to a poor business decision on my father's behalf and then we were forced to accommodate all our assets into a... limitation of sorts. I missed the mansion. I missed having money. I missed having my alone time. I tried to shake these thoughts, but it kept on stewing in my mind and I was unable to stop thinking about it.

I stood up and told my parents that I was going to wait at the bus stop. "The bus stop?" My father asked, "Why don't I drive you to school?"

"That's not necessary."

"You'd rather take public transportation?" George asked, scorn lacing his voice.

"Yes." I stood up and grabbed my books; holding them to my chest as if to create a shield from my family. "So, if you don't mind, I'm going to walk there."

On the way to the bus stop, I noticed that there was a car tailing me. The car was silver and twinkled precariously in the sunlight. I stopped to test if the car was indeed following me. The car stopped and I drew in a nervous breath. I walked faster and the car started to move again. I tried to read the license plate; however, it was too far to make anything out. I began to sprint and the car honked at me. I stopped running and looked behind in confusion. The silver car pulled to the curb and for a moment; I thought that I was going to be kidnapped. I peered into the car to see my neighbor. Relieved, I breathed and exhaled slowly.

The idea, of having an unknown car stop right by you at the curb, was unnerving. I could see the headlines now, "Thomas Boleyn's Daughter Kidnapped in Broad Daylight," "Former Heiress Anne Boleyn Kidnapped in Broad Daylight." I had a morbid fascination with horrible events happening in broad daylight. The idea of something bad happening while the sun was out was something that shook people to the core. It wasn't a foreign concept anymore, but, it still had enough shock value to make people shake their heads and wonder what was wrong with the world.

I should have known that it was his car. His pillowy lips formed into a smirk. He gazed at me with an intensity, making me shy and nervous at the same time. There was something feral regarding him. It seemed as though he was going to sprout fangs and maul me. Instinctively, I touched my jugular.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed.

His grin faded, "You getting in the car or what?"

I looked at him in disbelief, "Is that a command or a request?"

He looked at me as though he was shocked. I turned away and continued my walk to the bus stop, his car slowly tailing me from behind. Finally, I turned and looked back at him, ready to give him a piece of my mind. However, it was my turn to be shocked. His eyes flickered with something that I had never before seen. My breath caught in my chest and it felt as though my heart was on fire. It was a sensation that scared and exhilarated me at the same time. I liked this new feeling and did not know how to describe it.

He sped off with tires screeching, and I could smell the scent of burning rubber on asphalt. I stood at my bus stop, thinking about his penetrating eyes. An undiluted, animalistic craving took hold of me. I barely even knew him and he somehow had control over me. I did not like it. I also did not like that I wanted to see him again.

"Maybe I'll see him in the hallways?" I thought to myself.


The school was an enormous castle-like structure that boasted a square tower at the entrance. The gate to the school formed a high peak that was bordered by octagonal turrets, joining a large arch with oriel windows. The corridors were as impressive. They were long and brick inside and out; the ceilings were supported by strong wood beams and were light beige.

It was within these halls that he had passed me by, his friends flanking him on either side. Our eyes met and I sent him a small smile, only to be ignored. I sighed sagely and continued my hunt for my locker. He shadowed me and I looked back; what was with this guy and following me? He walked past me and waved to a girl waiting beside a row of lockers. She smiled and gave a little wave; nauseating me. Her hair was a beautiful golden-reddish color. Her outfit consisted of a pink cardigan over a lace blouse with a Peter Pan collar, a pink and white plaid skirt, white Mary Jane heels, and white fold over socks with lace trim. Wound around her wrist was a brown beaded bracelet, which seemed out of place with her carefully curated ensemble. Upon closer review, I noted a cross dangling from it and it dawned on me that it was a rosary she had fashioned as a bracelet.

"Good morning, Henry," The young woman smiled. She stood on her tiptoes as if the heels had not given her enough leverage, and kissed him on the cheek. Henry grinned, backed her into the locker, and put his hands around her waist, "Good morning, Kate." She flushed and made a demure little smile. She put her arms around his neck and they began to kiss. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and instead, tried to concentrate on finding my locker. To my dismay, they were in front of my locker...and still kissing.

I cleared my throat. They did not move. I cleared my throat louder this time. Still they did not move. The bell rang and I could not be late on my first day. "Excuse me," I put my hands on my hips, "you're in front of my locker." They would not stir. The five-minute bell rang. "Guys, come on! Move out of the way!" I said in frustration.

They would not budge. Finally, I nudged them out of the way, "In case you two were wondering, that was the five-minute bell." I opened my locker and took my books out, "It probably doesn't matter to you since you're ignoring it."

"Wouldn't have had to if you'd taken me up on my offer to drive you to school," Henry deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes, "Goodbye."

His face remained neutral and I did not care to address the fact they should not have even been kissing in the hallway. I did not want to get involved. The school was strict about their rigid rules. I turned around to walk away. I passed by a glass showcase and saw various accolades and trophies that boasted the names, Oliver Cromwell, Henry Tudor, and Charles Brandon. The Tudor High coat of arms hung high above the trophy case. The motto, Coeur Loyal, was etched upon the glass doors of the trophy case. "Loyal heart," I translated the motto in my head and sighed to myself as I traipsed through the now empty hall. I knew that I would not be marked tardy since I was new to the school. But, I did not want to be late. I had to put my best foot forward. It was my first day and it was already off to a rocky start.


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