Chapter 7:The Traitor Is.... You!

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Makoto's POV

I woke up shortly after, I don't know why but I could not sleep. So I got out of my dorm and started walking around the school. My mind clouded with thoughts. But then it stops when I see the gym door slightly open. I peek inside and see... Sakura and Monokuma...

Time Skip To The Next Morning

No One's POV

A new floor unlocked soon after the trial. Everyone except Toko and Togami was going to scope out the new floor and possibly find an escape to there safety.... Makoto looks at Sakura as she looks backs and says "Everything good, Naegi?" Makoto tensed up as he assured her he was fine. But "now" Makoto knows she's the traitor, he could never look at her the same. The new floor included the Teachers Room and The Chemistry Lab. Makoto, Aoi, and Sakura went to the Chemistry Lab to find anything they could. "Look at this! They have a lot of protein here." Aoi stated showing one of the protein bottles. "Well.. Not over here, you see this is bottle? Its a lethal poison."

Makoto's POV

Fun. Poison is always fun. It's always fun to kill someone with poison. Thats why Junko-sa put poisons there to help the students have other ways to kill each other ! Anyways, there was a music room too. A computer lab but it was locked. Also the principals office, which was also locked. Then I hear a "Naegi." from someone. I turn around to see the SHSL Detective...


No One's POV

Everyone except Toko and Byakuya met up at the Dining Hall after they were done investigating. They all were sitting down and silent until Yasahiro spoke up and said that floor gave them nothing. "Patience, there may be some leads in the principals office or computer lab." Kirigiri states. "If only we could get in..." Aoi says, thinking to herself some possible ways. "Oh hey Sakura, think you can break down those doors for us?" Yasahiro says facing Sakura. Sakura did not look up or say anything, she just sat there silently, not batting an eye at Yasahiro. Then we hear Monokuma say on the TVs, "Nice try gang! So thats the plan huh? Bust into my principals office and computer lab? Kids these days are so gosh dang violent! Phew.. not to crush your dreams but.." Right as he said that all of their student handbooks light up with a new stating that you are prohibited from breaking down locked doors. "He just put a new rule just for us?" Makoto states, reading the new rule. "Opupuppupu!~ I know that I'll sleep easier now, Tata!" The TVs then turn off. "He sure added that one in a hurry...I mean one of those rooms must be hiding something, or why would he even bother?" Makoto says as he questions what might be in there... Of course he knows whats in there! He's the damn mastermind after all. They all let out a sigh of confusion. "Wait... Of course! We aren't dead in the water yet you guys!" Asahina says cheerfully. "We aren't?" Yasahiro says clearly confused. "We still got a friend in cyberspace!" Aoi stated as she was hinting at Alter Ego. They all go to the sauna and awaken Alter-Ego.

Skip because I'm lazy-

Makoto's POV

Then we hear, the announcements say "Testing! Testing! 123! Students, head to the gym please!" We all in shock and thought what possibly could Junko-sa- I mean.. Monokuma will say to us. "What does he want this time?" I say as Monokuma was heard in the background telling us to hurry up going to gym. "I guess we have to follow what he says." I hear Aoi say. We all walked to the gym together as we see Monokuma appear onto his podium like always. "Ow! Ow!" He says as he was cooking stew... Quite odd Junko-sa.... "I have something sad to tell you!" He says looking in distress. "And no its not about the squid... One of you is working for me!" He states. "What?! So theres a mole?!" Aoi says clearly in doubt and distress. "No one listens to me... Keeping us all in check means he needs a henchman!" Togami states.. Man.. Isn't he wonderf- Anways! "AH! WHOS THE TRAITOR?! PLEASE YOU GOT TO TELL US!" Fukawas voice breaks as she says this, clearly scared. How despair inducing! Monokuma telling us survivors that theres a traitor among us? (hah, among us...) Its going to tear us into pieces jesus christ this will be fun!!! "Opupupupu!~ How can I resist when dear Fukawa asked so nicely! My lackey is.... Sakura Ogami!!!!" Monokuma says pointing right at Sakura. Without batting an eye or saying anything... Sakura stands there not confirming nor denying it... Oh man!!~ This is so despair inducing... Me thinking Sakura was the traitor and it being true?! So amazingly despair inducing... And I wonder how the other students think! "Woah... The amazon?" Yasahiro says in shock. "I-I don't believe it...!" Fukawa states staring at Sakura. "HEY! Don't say that! You know that i can't be true! Tell them Sakura! Tell them you aren't the traitor!" Aoi says believing the fact Sakura wasn't the traitor... Man... This is so amazing.. Watching people fall into despair is amazing!!!~ Again... Sakura doesn't bat an eye and just stays silent.... Aoi lets out a small noise in shock. "Opupupupup!~ Im telling the truth for once!!! Do what you want with her but I don't think she's going down without a fight!" Monokuma then disappears. Everyone looks at Sakura, frightened and in shock. No one dares to utter a word, there are a few noises being made out of shock but then Aoi meekly says "S-Sakura... Why?" There was a pause in between but Sakura responded, "Keeping it from you... Was the hardest part...." Yasahiro then says, "Holy crap! You really are the traitor!" Fukawa then follows, "You've been lying from the start!" Aoi jumped in front of Sakura defending her and says "Hey! Give it a rest! I mean, Im sure she only did cause forced him too!" Jesus, must I do everything around here...? "She's right... I saw both of them earlier..." I state, faking my nervousness. Togami looks at me once i said that, then I say "Sakura was attacking Monokuma not pulling any punches... But then he mentioned something about hostages and she stood down." I said. I could feel their eyes on me, slight suspicion was on them... Man... This is so despair inducing for everyone! Even me! What if I lose their trust because of what I'm saying!~ Well, too late now. "You witnessed that?" Sakura questions, looking up at me. "Sakura only obeyed because hostages were involved! But surely she's on our-" I was cut off by Togami saying, "Oh give it a rest Naegi! Do you believe those ridiculous words that utter out of your mouth?" I froze, I cant believe he just spoke to me like that, why would he do that? I lowered my shoulders feeling vulnerable and despair, but another kind of despair... What is this? Its despair, but.... "If you really switched sides, then why don't you tell us who the mastermind is, Oogami?" I had to hold that thought because Togami spoke out against Sakura trying to prove his point. "I was never trusted with that detail..." Sakura says closing her eyes, clearly upset while trying to think. I wanted to thrive off of her despair but, all I can think about is the despair I'm feeling from.. him.... My mind clouded with thoughts but I hear Togami speak out. "Well isn't that just swell." He paused for a moment trying to think of another remark or question he could ask the traitor. "Then tell us this, what did the mastermind wanted you to do in order for the hostages to be safe?" Sakura sighs as she tells the truth "If we ever reached the point no one killed anyone, either at the beginning or at the point where everyone settles down. I was the one to kill the first person." Gasps spread throughout the gym and shocked faces. "Well see there you have it, she's been waiting for a moment to strike just at the perfect time." Togami says with stern eyes. "Dammit! She isn't like that!" Aoi said as she snapped at Togami. I looked at them arguing, but felt nothing. "Enough, I do not want you worrying about my presence, my time has come, Asahina dear, I am so very sorry." Sakura says as she sympathetically and puts her hand on Aois shoulder. "W-Why didn't you.." Aoi stopped herself as she was on the verge of tears again. "There was so many times where I was about to breakdown and tell you the truth, but I couldn't... I was... afraid." Sakura says as her eyes saddened, Aoi looked even worse knowing her best friend was afraid. "I was afraid, you, my only friend here would despise me and never talk to me again...." Aoi grabs Sakuras hand from her shoulder, making her hold her hand as she squeezes it. "B-But I would never!-" she says crying. Sakura turns around letting go of Asahinas hand "I dont deserve forgiveness, but I will make this up with you, even if it kills me!" Sakura then walks away. "E-Even if it kills you?!" Aoi cries out with concern for Sakura. I start to smile again, am I back to my old self? Hell yeah I am! The despair I can feel from Aoi is amazing... I wish that would happen to me with Junko-sa, heh.

Aoi's POV

Thoughts were racing in my head.. I felt dizzy.. I felt nauseous... I wanted to scream and cry out... Did I not be a good enough friend for Sakura for her to feel like I would despise her? I let out a small whimper as she walks away... No.. please.. Come back Sakura... You had a reason... Come back.. PLEASE... I NEED YOU HERE...! I DON'T HATE YOU.... PLEASE... DON'T GET YOURSELF KILLED!! I wanted to scream that out... But I just couldn't... Words couldn't escape my mouth even if I tried.. I was left there in shock and.. despair... I snap out of it when The SHSL Affluent Progeny says, "Empty words from a careless and treacherous brute that would be better off avoided! We don't know what she's planning." I clenched my fist... That boy was careless with what he's saying! Does he not care for anyone but himself? Makoto speaks out and says "Those remarks are not helping with anything Togami!". Finally, someone who agrees with me, just then Yasuhiro says, "I think blondies got a point." What? I mean... He does but it doesn't mean he's morally right! "S-She admitted s-she was his lackey..." Fukawa timidly says. "W-What the hell! Do you really not know Sakura any better then this?!" I scream out. "We don't know the first thing about HER, and neither do you, Aoi Asahina. YOU were shocked by this information as well with the rest of us." Togami argues back, I'll admit.. he's right... "Yeah... I was..." I said calming down a bit. "If she like kills the person in charge of this killing game I'll trust her again!" Yasuhiro says trying to lighten the mood, at this point that pissed me off, how could he say that in this situation?! "SHUT UP!! WHAT IF SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAPPENED TO HER!!" I yelled at Yasuhiro, he backs off with a slight distressed face. "Tch, if something did happen to her, so what? One less person to worry about as our enemy. Let her die." I turn to see that Togami said that... I clenched my teeth and my fists. HOW COULD HE SAY THAT?! SHES A HUMAN BEING TOO?! I see Makoto looking shocked at what Togami said, same with Yasuhiro. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. I ran up to him and slapped him as hard as I could on the cheek, making his glasses fall right off. Thats what he deserves! I hear Fukawa squeal out, shocked. Everyone except Kirigiri showed some kind of expression to my action... "YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU! SHUT YOUR TRAP! OR I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!" Anger flowed inside of me, I couldn't contain he... he LAUGHED at me after I did that.. "Temper, Temper.. If you really want me dead, do your worse. What are you going to do? Slap me to death?" He chuckles smirking... Thats it.... "Maybe I will! YOU DESERVE IT!" I yelled back at him. "Y-YOU FILTHY COW! SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH! NO ONE THREATENS MASTER TOGAMI!!!" Fukawa screams back at me. "Enough ALL OF YOU! When we fight amongst all of us we are just doing what they want!" Kirigiri states as she crosses her arms, if she wouldn't have said that, I would have slapped Fukawa too. "Whatever.. Im out of here..." I say walking away out of the gym.. Togami deserved it anyways...

No One's POV

Aoi walked to her dorm, slowly while sulking, she opened the door and as soon as the door closed... She fell to her knees and screamed out her pain since all the rooms were soundproof. Tears flowed down her face as she screamed. "SAKURAAAAAA!!!" She cried out. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed like there was no tomorrow. She buried her face into hers knees losing all composure she had.. She felt so much despair and poured it all out. "SAKURAAAA!!!!!" She cried out again... It was almost night so she decided she wouldn't come out, she curled up on the floor crying, not bothering to crawl to her bed, and cried herself to sleep....

Meanwhile, back at the gang Kirigiri asked "Togami, am I correct in saying you don't place must value in emotions?" Togami picked up his glasses and fixed it as he responded "You are quite correct, Detective." Kirigiri narrowed her eyes "Im warning you, they do carry weight, and you disregard them." Togami smirked "I might be shaking in my boots at this point." Just then, the bell went off.... ding dong... and the announcements came on... "Upupupupu! As you may know it is night hour so go get some rest for the morning kiddos and prepare!! Ahahaha!" The announcements shut off as they all stare at each other in awe. They all agreed to go back to their dorms and save it for tomorrow.....


Surprise! It's Me~ | AU Mastermind!Makoto NaegiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang