Alone Again

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Giotto POV

I went to Namimori shrine and took out my pocket watch which showed my and my Guardians time of death. As it connects us, we can use it for communication in the real world and find each others location, making this the fastest method to contact them all: "Asari, G, Alaude, Knuckle, Daemon, Lampo - meet me at the Shrine, it's urgent."


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I waited 10min and nothing, not even a flicker of their flames in the area or anywhere in Town.
I tried again, nothing.
Confused, I went to Asari's descendants House/ Shop.
I quickly found his Ring in one of the rooms upstairs and on his successors finger. I manifested so people could see me and asked, looking at the ring: "Asari,
why haven't you responded to my call?". The ring began to flicker on and off with a light-blue flame that, after a while, stayed and separated, taking on Asari's form. To my shock the moment he did he collapsed onto the Ground.

I immediately rushed over trying to help him up. But he stopped me with a palm facing up against my face. I took a step back in confusion.
"Don't" he gulped while breathing heavily, "else it's gonna take you too. You seem fine so please don't touch any of the others either."
"What do you mean, what's happening to-!.. you said others?"

"Seeing as you apparently called all of us and they aren't with you they must be having the same problem as me. My flames are getting blocked from leaving the ring and any flame outside isn't getting to me.
I didn't receive your call."

I pondered briefly over what he said but Asari only seemed to get weaker the longer he was outside the ring. "Do you know who did this to you or when it started?"
"I'm not sure..." He wheezed and I had to restrain myself to not approach him any further.
"I've only realised my predicament when I heard you, but noticed how I hadn't sensed you beforehand. So I don't know for how long it's been like this, I'm sorry." Asari became transparent and turned into a mere flame flickering in the air. I lowly and quietly cursed in Italian.

"I swear I'm gonna find out what's causing this and help you and the others!! Please hold out and wait for me! Also, Decimo is in trouble; his bonds seem to be breaking. Your descendants included.
The reason could be that whatever you're experiencing applies to his Guardians and your successors as well: Neither side receives".
After informing ant the reason of my visit Asari went back into the ring and I returned into the Vongola Sky ring hoping to get more clues.

... Only to get assaulted by Secondo: "Where were you?!
You suddenly left again. Also your descendent is looking worse every minute - so what the fuck were you doing?!"
"First, I went to find my Guardians.
Second, if either one of us would be causing damage it's you <technically we both know your mist> I was speaking about Skies.
3rd, how bad is it?"
I was starting to sweat again. Dismissing the flame on my forehead my eyes turned back to their arculean blue. If I looked tired he thankfully didn't mention it.

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