Hyperrealizing the Self

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Kouboi Kenn Zen 101

I've created my own spiritual path, lived like a shaman within my Own in training my Self to live my dreams in my head...

Simultaneously with the perception of Reality as We all KNOW it. I'm dyslexic, seeing prime numbers jumbled in with everything I read. I taught my Self around all that literal goobledy gook via patience, persistence and self psychology...

47 is Prime. It's a Significant number. I'll be 47 my next prime bday, come Aug. 4th this year...

Barrack Obama's bday too, BTW. Good or bad by association it's still a significant coincidence. One that figures quite nicely in the context of my Own Religion! There's all kinds of CrAzY coincidences and odd twists of fate in my life's story but no more or less so than in any other tale ever told, fiction OR fact...

Cool thing about Everythingology (that's what I call it) is it's all made up but it references itself entirely from the most Self beneficial aspects of existing religious, spiritual, scientific and social perspectives...

It's as socially Omnistic as I can possibly present it...

Like Jeet Kune Do...

As a metaphysical practice it can only be 'activated' via participation, however, because every single solitary BIT of Everythingology is all put together to form one big LIE. It's all a story, a fantasy, a complete fabrication...

A DR34M!

"Be like Water, my friend...

Be like Water!"

"What goes around comes around"

Theres a flow to it that One can only teach Ones Self. I can show folks how it's done but it's up to folks to DO IT THEM SELVES.

Otherwise, they'll just go right back to letting Society do all their dreaming FOR them.

Here's a trick from the pages of Everythingology in my head that ANYBODY can use:

Your Self,Mind,Ego becomes much easier to handle if You can IMAGINE IT as a cartoon character...

Maybe Your self is like Bugs Bunny or Minnie Mouse? Perhaps it's small but fiery like Tinkerbell or a lovable dope like Forrest Gump. Maybe it's a raging idiot monster like the Incredible Hulk or a conniving fascist like Dr. Doom...

However you envision your Self is not the POINT however. The POINT is in envisioning your Self YOUR SELF, divorced of any outside influences, opinions or arguments aside from you and your Self...

Because, Once One REALIZES Ones Self then One can from then on CONTROL THAT! Once One KNOWS Ones Self then One knows what One is gonna do BEFORE One does it! You start getting out of line smack your Self upside the head with an anvil! You can't hurt your Self in this fashion (it's a cartoon, remember?) so, when you start acting up grab your Self by the neck and shake some SENSE into that fool! Treat your Self like you know whose in CHARGE!

Which is who you ARE and NOT whatever your cartoon of your Self is always TRYING to be!

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