{ t h r e e; Dear Lilo and Stitch }

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Chapter Three

Dear Lilo and Stitch,

I think I might be your cousin. Find me a home because I don't fit in here with a whole room of models outside the door and a handsome man that is apparently naming me Bambi. Oh, and I almost forgot, he's a cross dresser. So yea, I need to find the one true place that I belong.


Fawne the Bambi

There I stood, writing a mental letter to Lilo and Stitch, I mean these kids really know their stuff. They find almost every alien a home, I wonder if they could find a home for me even if I wasn't a cousin.

"Okay, before you say anything let me explain." he waved his hands in my face then stood silent waiting for a reaction. Being the kind of girl I was, I stood quiet feeling my face lose the blood that it was once filled with. I felt my anxiety kick in and only managed to utter one word.

"O-Okay." I stuttered. I cursed my inability to stay calm during situations like these, then again this was my first encounter meeting a cross dresser. Trying to pull a smile across my face, I took a step back hoping to create a larger gap between us. But he was still close to my face and his scent smelled lavender perfume. His neck sparkled with glitter that went well with his ivory skin.

I stared at is long eyelashes and well done make-up that made Esmeralda's skills look like it was done by a monkey. His lips shimmered from a light touch of lip gloss and his face, over all it looked like one of a small petite girl.

Holding my breath so he wouldn't smell it, I closed my eyes once again when I saw him inching his head closer to mine. Suddenly a felt something press against my pimple covered forehead, peaking through one of my eyes, both widen with fear. His head touched mine and he was looking straight at me with those eyes of his,  felt my throat get tight.

What if he thinks that I was an ugly, pimple faced girl or..Or..A beast? I never did like people's faces near mine or else they wouldn't notice the things I try to keep out of sight.

"Wow! You have really huge pores!" he exclaimed with a huge smile. I blinked several times trying to let my brain load what he just said through those lips of his. Did he...Did he just...

Did this guy just...Insult me? What the fudge is wrong with him?!


"Yea! Man, you can see those puppies miles away!" 

The shocking part was that he said it with a playful smile. Not that smile jerks or players will say when they meet that nerd girl in the stories, no, not at all. One of those smiles a child will have when they are excited or whatever. For some reason, it pissed me off.

"Pores." I tried to let it set in once more before I lost my temper and put on my whole tough girl act.

"Eh. Is that no good? Should I mention that your nose looks like a watermelon? With all those black spots it's hard to imagine that no one tried to take a bite out of it.", he dare laugh at his little insult. It was another one to tattoo to my heart as he raise his manicured hand to his lips. For goodness sake, even his hands looked like a woman's.

He looked back at me and I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, my fists turned to balls of ass kicking. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to insult him but I had none since he seemed too perfect! Was the make-up that helped deceive people into thinking he was a girl or was it something else? I didn't know, nor did I care. I did not want this guy to go unpunished, that's not how I...Roll...

They see me rollin', they hatin....

Dang it! Now that song got in my head, why now?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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