{ t w o; Locking lips and Strawberry tips }

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Chapter 2

I sat down quietly on the couch with Ella, my laptop, in my arms. I carried her with care and tried to place her gently on the arm rest of the couch. Snickers purred softly and curled up against my lap, she distracted me for a split second before I noticed someone messaged me. I smiled brightly when I noticed it was one of my Wattpad friends.

Typing in my reply, I heard Esmeralda heels coming up behind me, she leaned over my shoulder. I smelled the peppermint in her mouth and moved away when her breath hit my ear. Without looking up from my bright screen, I pushed her face away when she tried to get closer to my eardrum.

"Yes?" I mumbled under my breath with a small smile when at the corner of my screen flashed a small orange circle with a one imprinted on it. My mouse hovered over it, trying to savor the moment, I waited until Esmeralda replied.

"Fawne, doll, can you do me a favor?" she said my name and I didn't had to look up to see the puppy eyes attached to her head.


"Why not?! You don't even know what the favor is!", she reminded me of a five year old, whinning and causing adults terrible headaches by the end of the day.

"Fine. What is it?"

"Can you come-"

"No. If it means getting my arse off this couch, then no. N to the O. No."

"But Fawne! It'll be worth it!"




"Come on! I'll make it wild."

"Now that scares me. No way in hell."



"Fine! I guess I won't cut your rent in half! Hmph!" Esmeralda turned away as I clicked the corner of my screen only to see that someone voted for my story. I paused for a moment as Esmeralda's words echoed in my head.

Cut. Rent. Half.

If she thought that would make me say yes to whatever she wants me to do, then she was right. I said goodbye to my friend and shut my computer without logging out; it was more convenient for me. Shooing Snickers away, I walked towards to the large, tiled bathroom where Esmeralda was applying her make-up. Leaning against the doorway, I called out to her.

"Yo. Ezzy, where exactly are we going?" I asked, my curiosity at it's peak.

"A party." She said simply applying eyeliner.

"What kind of party...?"

"Business party. Nothing big, we are just welcoming an agency."

"Oh....Um...How long will we be there?"

"A few hours."

I thought about it for a while, I was never good with socializing with strangers. It was a miracle that I was able to get through my job without going pale and calling myself an idiot. Taking a deep breath, I nodded softly to give my answer.

"I'll go." Esmeralda squealed and rushed pass me into my room already searching for a dress for me to wear. I groaned and shut the bathroom door behind me to take a quick shower. I tried not to look in the huge mirror that covered the whole wall above the sink.

When I turned on the shower, I waited a while for the water to become warm. Before I knew it, I was staring into the mirror again; the memories of child-self flowed back to me all at once. The black heads that covered my mushroom shaped nose and my forehead covered with pimples, some bleeding from me picking at them. Then there were big, furry caterpillars above my eyes that I was ashamed to call my eyebrows. Everything, everything that I hated about my face was still there.

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