chapter one

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The sunlight streaming in from the window made Aurora scrunch up her face as she turned to the face the other way, her head landing on her husband's chest. Harry groaned, before wrapping an arm around his wife, bringing her in closer.

"We really need to get curtains," Harry whispered as Aurora let out a little laugh. She nodded against his chest as she drew little circles on his bare chest. It had been three weeks since their weddings, and after their honeymoon in Italy, Harry surprised Aurora with the house fully furnished, with only a few things missing. It was quite the move from their condo, but Aurora managed. She was happy wherever she had Harry. On the brighter, she now lived four hours from her parents, which pleased both of them. Harry's mother traveled back to England but invited the pair over for Christmas.

It took the married couple a while to get out of bed, Aurora getting up first, holding the sheets up to her chest. She got out of bed, feeling a soreness around legs. A sudden blush came upon her cheeks as she thought about the previous night with her husband. She was able to say that now. Her husband. Walking over to the shared bathroom, Aurora did her standard routine, faced her wash, brushed her teeth, and hopped into the shower. Midway through that shower, Aurora heard the bathroom door open, hearing Harry walk inside the bathroom. He, too, started his routine.

Stepping out of the shower, Aurora wrapped the navy blue towel around her body and leaned over to press a kiss to Harry's cheek before exiting the bathroom. Their bedroom is a soft gray color, their shared bed in the middle, an iron black bed. There was a rug underneath, making the room pop out in color. The closet was big enough to store both Harry's and hers clothes, and due to Harry's collection of suits combined with his regular clothes, and with Aurora's clothes, it was a large space. Aurora dressed in a baby blue dress that fell to her calves, and paired it with a dark blue cardigan. She slipped on a pair of black flats and made her way downstairs.

Today was a big day, at least for Harry. He was returning back to work since the two got married. It wasn't like he had changed jobs or anything, Harry had continued the same job ever since he graduated college, which provided a steady income for the two. It came to the point that Aurora did not need a job, however she chose to work at home. Aurora painted for people and one of the many surprises Harry presented her with was an art studio in their new home, something that she didn't have in their old home. Painting was also something that she had grown up with, considering both her parents were constantly working and placed her into art class after school so that she would be busy for a majority of the day. Aurora didn't mind much, she knew her parents were hard working people and their jobs were just that, time consuming. They still loved her and spent time with her when they were off work.

The kitchen was even more magnificent, the colors that inspired the kitchen was a dark teal color and dark brown for the countertops. The dark teal was painted on the cabinets, and Aurora felt that it added such a unique taste to the house. Aurora reached over the cabinets and grabbed a pan, alongside walking over to the black fridge and grabbing the ingredients she needed to make some french toast for her husband and herself.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Harry walked down the stairs dressed in a black suit, his briefcase by his side. He placed the briefcase on the edge of the stair before heading into the kitchen where the smell of french toast was flowing through. He spotted Aurora standing there, her one hand on her hip while the other flipped the food. Walking behind her, Harry placed his head on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Styles," He whispered before planting a kiss on her exposed neck. He had greeted her every morning with the same phrase. It was never going to get tiring for Harry, he felt that he hit the jackpot with Aurora. Meeting her, falling in love with her, marrying her. He only hoped what their future would hold. He knew he could take care of Aurora, he was surely confident of that. He would, under any circumstance, be able to protect her. Every person to meet the blonde headed girl knew that she had a heart of gold, and could easily be mistaken for or taken advantage of due to her kind heart.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles," Aurora smiled, turning her head to look at her husband. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. There was not a flicker of doubt that Aurora was complete, foolishly, and utterly in love with the man in front of her. She met him merely when the pair were sophomores attending the same college. She was captivated by his eyes and his charm. Three months later, they started dating, and soon after their graduation, Harry proposed to her. To Aurora, it seemed like such a dream. She had never expected to meet someone and fall in love, and for a while she figured that she just wasn't the lucky one- that was until she met Harry. He was her everything, he was her first everything.

Harry set the plates on the counter, and poured out orange juice for himself and Aurora, as Aurora placed the french toast on the plates and took a seat next to her husband.

"Excited to go back to work?" Aurora asked, as she ate a piece. Harry, already eating a piece nodded his head eagerly. He swallowed the french toast before speaking.

"Excited to see Niall and Liam again mainly, other than that, I'd much rather stay at home with you." Phrases like that made Aurora's stomach light up with butterflies, even after four years. The past three weeks, from Rome to their new home, the two followed a routine, wake up, have sex, shower, eat breakfast, wander their new environments, eat out for a late lunch and early dinner, come home, if still energized- have sex again, before heading off to bed. The two travel to different parts of Rome, eating at small restaurants and walking around rather than driving. Aurora still had to create a photo album from their trip.

"You saw Niall and Liam a few nights ago, when they came over to see the house," Niall and Liam were the only two close friends of Harry that Aurora knew the most about. They were his work partners and often helped him with accounting and what not. Aurora paid no attention simply due to her not wanting to know about numbers.

"I know bug, but I miss those idiots. Anyways, what have you planned for the day?" Harry questioned as he shoved another piece of toast in his mouth.

"Well, I was going to go buy some curtains for our room, then explore the mall and maybe buy something new. You need some black socks, don't you?" Harry nodded at her question. "I'll get those, and maybe some things for the decorations."

Harry was ready to go, fixing his tie in the mirror next to the front door. He had a serious expression on his face, right as Aurora came, her blue dress flowing behind her. She grabbed his briefcase, Harry's chest panicking for a quick moment, but calming down as she placed on the floor next to his feet. She reached up and straightened his tie for him, then flattening her hands on his chest. Harry wondered his hands around his waist, pulling her in closer.

"Don't wanna leave you," He whispered. Aurora smiled and pushed herself up, connecting their two lips together. The two stayed in their position a minute or so, both pulling away for air.

"I'll see you later," Aurora whispered, as he opened the front door, walking over to the black Ranger Rover in the driveway parked next to a white Mini Cooper. Aurora waved goodbye, as he pulled out of the driveway, and headed for work.

i know it sounds a bit boring, but it'll get interesting later on. :) 

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