Chapter 2

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Kiara Antine Jaysune

            “Kiara!” My mother called once I came in the door.

            I sighed and walked into the kitchen to see her making dinner. Raw beef was sitting on the counter while she cooked the rest of the meal. My mouth watered and I shook my head quickly. I wouldn’t be overcome by my nature.

            “Yes?” I asked, trying not to look at the beef, or smell it, or even know it’s there.

            “Where have you been all day?” She looked over at me. Her kind brown eyes were warm and made me feel like I was a kid again. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and have her tuck me in. It wasn’t going to happen, and I don’t think it ever happened even once. I was 13 when I arrived. Then again, maybe it happened that night a few weeks after I came here…that night that I barely remember…

            I shook of the few memories I did have of that night and answered her, “I’ve been down at the market. I met the new Selven girl. Her name is Atiri.”

            “Really? I heard they went to the Holy Lands the other day. How old is she?”

            “About my age. She doesn’t seem like the rest of them.”

            “Give her time. She’s only been here a day, they haven’t brainwashed her yet.” She rolled her eyes and started slicing up the beef. “I guess they picked her up just in time for the new war. They’re probably ecstatic that they have a teenager right now, you can’t have too much glory as far as they’re concerned.”

            “Yeah. I guess you’re right. Well, I’m going to go upstairs and read. Call me down when dinner’s ready?”

            “Of course, don’t worry, I won’t let you miss it.” She gave me a toothy grin and looked back to the table. “Your father is going out tonight, so there will be more meat for dinner to split up between us.”

            “Okay. Sounds good.” I started walking upstairs. My room was the second one on the right, there was a small painted picture beside it depicting a wolf. It looked ferocious and ready to kill. It was supposed to remind me and my brothers that we were high above wolves. That we weren’t bloodthirsty killers and that we had control. Sometimes I wondered how true that was.

            My bed had a dark brown blanket on it and there was a bookshelf at the foot of the bed. It was filled with all sorts of books. Some of the same one’s in Atiri’s room, but a lot of others she probably had never heard of. I had given her my book. I had read it front to back many times over the years. I wondered if she’s even notice how worn it was.

            A Selven. I had snuck into the Selven house, met with the Selven girl, given her a token of friendship, and now I couldn’t get her out of my head. A Selven. She had to be a Selven.

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