A/n (sorry for no real chapters)

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We need to talk

We need to talk

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Care to explain???

Why I have 9k reads???

9K READS??? I-

I finna cry you guys are too nice ;-;

Didn't know people would actually read and LIKE my trash

Anyways, here's what I'm pretty sure you all are wondering

"Author-Chan why haven't you been updating???"

Yes yes, my most recent chapter was some real doodoo. Due to some personal issues, I've been really stressed and lost my motivation to write. I'm sorry if you're all disappointed, I'm sure you are 😅

Ive been having work piling up and I need to get that out of the way before I can work on some chapters that I actually try on

I would prefer to make a nice chapter that lives up to my word count standards and my quality standards, rather than a crappy 1000 word chapter that doesn't even make sense :P

So, yeah! Thanks for 9k reads and thanks for even reading this random A/n, thanks for reading my trash at all and thanks for just existing in general, it means a lot from me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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