But guys-

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Your POV

"Good morning!" Lev cheered coming through the doors of the gym

"Morning" Everyone responded

"You're pretty cheery today" Kenichi grinned at the taller silver haired boy "Something special going on?"

"Mhm! That's right Futakuchi-senpai! Today-" He tried to say but unfortunately the demon senpai interrupted him

"Oi Lev! Quit chatting it up and get over here so we can work on your recieves already!" Yaku telles

"Don't worry Lev, you can tell me later" Kenichi grinned, closing his eyes as he walked away

The middleblocker just pouted, walking towards Yaku "Okay..." He mumbled

"Wonder what's so special today" I mumbled to myself, tilting my head


Time passes and practice is finally over with Lev panting and laying on the floor, sweat dripping down his entire body

"Put in more work next time" Yaku scolded "You were slacking off today"

"But Yakkun-!" Lev got cut off again

"No more buts" Yaku stopped him "Class is starting soon" Everyone nodded and walked out to change as I did the same

"Okay" Lev sadly said, walking to the changing rooms slowly


We all sat a lunch together, just talking about random things that went into passing conversation

"Ah, that pop quiz sensei gave us? Terrible!" Inuoka groaned

"You better not've failed Lev!" Kuroo warned, narrowing his eyes and the boy

"Oh Lev did terribly" Inuoka said, innocently

"Lev!" Yaku telles, slapping the back of his head

"I'm sorry!" He whined, holding his head

"You get more laps then everyone else" Yaky sighed "I told you to study every night! You clearly didn't"

"But Yakkun-" Lev tried to get out

"Stop with your excuses, really" The Libero just shook his head as I tilted mine


I dug through the files in the gym, pulling out the first year ones. My (e/c) eyes lit up as I smile stretched onto my face "Found it!" I said to myself. All of the boys were in the gym as Yaku tortured Lev with recieves "Hm... Let's see" I opened it, scanning through everything. It had all his information along with a photo of him in the school uniform, actually looking serious

Lev Haiba
Nekoma High School
1st Year Class 3
Emergency Contact: XXXXXXXXXX
Residential Address: XXXXXXXXXX
Ethnicity: Russian
Height: 194.3 cm
Weight: 79.7 kg
Birthday: 30th October 1996

"THATS IT" I widened my eyes, running out and bursting into the gym "HAIBA LEV" I shouted

"What did you do this time Lev" The bed Head captain sighed

"I- I don't know!" He panicked

"Why didn't you tell us?!" I yelled "ugh" I facepalm "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" I began clapping "Cmon guys!" I looked around myself at all the confused boys "LA LA LA LA LA HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HAIBA LEV HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" I finished clapping

"It's your birthday?" Kai asked, approaching Lev

"Y-yes senpai" He responded "I tried to tell you but you guys kept cutting me off! Thank you (Y/n)-chan"

"No problem!" I smiled brightly "Everyone back to practice! Except Lev, you can go home if you want"

"Yey!" He grinned, sitting on one of the bleachers and waiting for us to finish

"That's not very fair" Kuroo whined "Why does he get to skip?"

"Because y'all tortured him on his birthday, get back to practice!" I yelled as he quickly did so

This isn't a chapter lmao I'm so sorry I've just been so busy at school, piano and work I have a hard time balancing my time, sorry guys

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This isn't a chapter lmao I'm so sorry I've just been so busy at school, piano and work I have a hard time balancing my time, sorry guys

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Here have an edit of Lev I made

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