Chapter 6: Infiltration

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A/N: Betawork done by firstlovelatespring and LeilahMoon!

Also, if you want to connect with me on TikTok, the link is on my profile page. Beware, I still have no clue how to use it to make videos.

xoxoxo, carmen


The sound of Snape's heavy door as it swung shut was ominous and foreboding and set Draco immediately on edge as it echoed through the room. As Snape cast a Silencio and Muffliato over the room, he settled uncomfortably into a seat in front of his godfather, who stood behind his desk, silent.

Clearing his throat nervously, Draco spoke. "I'm making progress. I was able to....seduce her." He looked away, taking a sudden interest in reading the titles of books on the shelf next to him. Talking about shagging a girl with Snape was not something he was exactly comfortable with, regardless of the circumstances.

Snape wore a slightly incredulous look. "And?" He said, prompting Draco to elaborate.

"We haven't spoken since. I need more time. It's only been a few days. At least now I have an excuse to speak with her again, maybe try to...woo her, get on her good side." His face slipped into a grimace at the prospect looming ahead. "It would be more beneficial if I knew exactly what I was getting close to her for," he muttered.

"Well, I expect that the Dark Lord will be happy with your progress." Snape's face changed, showing a twinge of uncertainty paired with concern. "I am hesitant to inform you that should you fail in your endeavors, he has other plans. Involving your mother, none of which are pleasant."

Draco froze, his eyes snapping to meet Snape, blood draining from his face. "What?" he rasped out. "What do you mean?" He stood abruptly, hands clutching the desk so hard his knuckles went white. "I'm...I'm making progress already, there's no need for that," he rushed out, his eyes wide and pleading. "You'll tell him, right? That it's going well so far?" His mother meant more to him than anything else, and the threat of harm to her shook him to his core.

Snape nodded once solemnly. "I will. He requested that I give you some... extrinsic motivation, so to speak. I also called you here to further inform you of what the Dark Lord needs from you so you can more adequately prepare."

Draco bristled, knowing he would dread whatever words came from Snape's mouth next. He wanted this to be a painless task, quick and easy, and somehow he had a feeling it would be exactly the opposite - especially since it involved Granger.

Snape started to pace slowly behind his desk. Draco never took his eyes off him. "The Dark Lord would like the Granger girl to serve him, whether it be willing or not. You are to have her smitten with you by Easter at the very latest, and bring her to the Manor over the break. It does not matter how you achieve it, as long as you do."

Draco waited with bated breath. This was not at all what he'd expected.

"He will then forcibly administer the Mark to the girl. The Dark Lord is aware that she is the main reason for Potter's success thus far. He wants her out of the picture. If you can successfully get her to the Manor, he will take care of the rest."

"That's it? Just get her to the Manor? That's what I'm supposed to be doing? I could simply do that by force, Professor. It's not like that would be difficult." Draco relaxed, sinking into his chair. His curiosity got the better of him. "What does he want her for?"

"The Dark Lord is counting on the fact that Potter will be unable to leave her knowing that she is in danger. It is obvious that Potter has a savior complex and will do whatever is necessary to save his friends. The Granger girl is just an additional bonus. Ideally, she'll be so smitten with you by then that she'll take the Mark willingly to avoid you getting hurt or killed. The Dark Lord will phrase it as a failure on your part if she does not go willingly. It will be better for the both of you if she goes to him of her own accord."

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