Chapter 14: Indignation

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A/N: Betawork done by AlmondMilkTeaDoubleBoba and LeilahMoon – and major s/o to lost_poetx!

Also - The last chapter was awful, I know. I'm sorry. This one should make up for it...wink wink.

Buckle up.  This one's a roller coaster.

(CW: smut/mature content)

xoxo, carmen


Naricssa Malfoy looked at him, hoping against hope that he would understand what he was asking. "Please," she asked. "I know there is something that you can do for him. I hate to ask this of you Severus, but you must understand that I will do anything to save him from the dark future that awaits him." She tried hard to fight the swell of emotion that surged through her as she said, "He's just a boy."

Turning away from where he was looking out the window and surveying her pleading gaze, he responded, "You must know I am already doing all I can, Narcissa. I, too, do not wish for him to fail."

"Then you need to teach me," she implored. "You must. I need you to tell me what to do," she was wringing her hands together as she stepped toward him. "I know you cannot compromise your status in his ranks, but if I lose Draco, I have nothing left. I need you to teach me how to brew it."

He raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "You wish to learn how to brew...?" Snape trailed off.

"Shh!" she stuttered out a whisper, glancing around the room. "You can't say it. He must not know of this... contingency plan, if you will." She sighed, closing her eyes. "I know this is a lot to ask, but you know I wouldn't even consider it if there were another way."

"I understand. I took the Vow, I knew it might come to this," he nodded, dragging his finger around the rim of the glass. "How is your Occlumency?"

"Impenetrable. I have been a skilled Occlumens for years, Severus. I learned from you." Narcissa almost looked insulted as she raised an eyebrow at him. "He will not know anything I do not wish him to."

Snape nodded once. "Good," he said. "Provided you can keep it that way, I will help you." He turned back to the window. "But no one can know about this, especially Draco. I'm indulging your theory, Narcissa, though I do believe you will be incorrect at the end." He took a sip of his Firewhisky thoughtfully. "However, I believe you're capable, and so I will assist."

"Thank you, Severus," Narcissa whispered, her words sounding like a hushed prayer. "If this goes as planned, this will change everything."

"If you are right," Snape muttered, "then yes, I suppose it will."


Meandering his way through the corridor on the way to the Great Hall to meet Theo and Blaise, Draco walked past a group of Gryffindor boys. Thoroughly planning on tuning them out – because truly, there was nothing a Gryffindor could say to hold his interest – but he thought he heard something out of one of their annoying little mouths.

"I can't believe you actually fucked her," one of them said. "The Gryffindor princess," he snickered, "I really never would have thought."

Draco nearly stopped in his tracks before realizing that would be too obvious, so he slowed his steps instead as he inconspicuously cocked his head to listen further.

"What was she like?" the boy asked. "I've been imaging what she'd be like in bed since the fucking Yule Ball two years ago," he said, punching the perpetrator's arm. Draco craned his neck a bit to see who it was.

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