5. Diana

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I will be leaving for France in a week, or so my parents know. I'm only meant to be on my boat in two weeks but, it's leaving from Charlottetown. I can't just leave the continent without visiting my dear Aunt Josephine. Especially since my darling Aunt has a certain maid whom I have unfinished business with.

This is my week, no matter what I'm going to tell her.


I'm leaving tomorrow and I still haven't told her.


But all's good. She's having a 'sleepover' with me tonight, so I'll tell her then.


She was sitting in her white nightie on the bottom of my bed. The light from the candle making shadows across her smiling face. I had just told her about the time Anne cut all her hair off.

"Do you have any stories about you?" Courtney asked. "Any funny experiences..."

"My parents have always been over-protective so I have never been allowed much, uh, much..."

"Much fun?"

"Yeah," I dropped my eyes. "I didn't really have a proper childhood."

"Hey," she said, grabbing my hand. "Hey, it's fine. You'll just have to make your adulthood as good as any childhood!"

I smiled. She doesn't understand how silly her words sound.

"You're right. Uh, exactly how do I do that?" I giggled. Now I sound stupid.

"Well, are you happy?"

"Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Well, I have nice friends and a semi-nice family..." she smiled at this. "...but I just can't seem to find that Mr. Perfect. Every time that I try to picture what he is like, I..." I trailed off.

"You just need time. The right person will come around soon," Courtney whispered, not meeting my eye.


I could've kissed right then and there. We were both in this sort of trance, loooking at each other trying to look the other in the eye. I leant closer...

"Would you like some tea?"

I jumped back, startled. "Uh, yes please," l blushed, Turing the colour of leaves in fall.

"I'll go get it," and with that, she stood up and was gone.


It was about 9pm. Courtney and I had climbed into my bed, each one staying to their side. I was staring at the ceiling.


"Court," I whispered, shuffling over to her side. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," she said rolling over to face me. "Why?"

She was so close, barely 20 inches between our faces.

"I just wanted to see your eyes," I mumbled under my breath.

She let her hand stretch forward, tracing her fingers round my face ending at my chin. She then slowly moved back up my check into my hair, cupping my face. Before she could do anything else, I leant in and closed the space between us. After a bit, I pulled away, blushing.

"You kissed me," she said, that adorable sideways smile on her face.

"And I would do it again."

She smiled and leant in again.


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