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Ana stepped up to the gate, shaking her head incredulously at the giant "M" plastered on the wrought iron fence. This place screamed of Draco Malfoy. It had a dark aesthetic with deep grey stone and tinted windows, dull colored cobblestone and orderly plants. Ana felt a shudder run through her and her breathing picked up. She felt Draco's presence in this place and she hadn't even crossed through the front gate.

"Remember what I told you, Draco," Lucius warned sternly as Ana walked up, led to the front of the manor by an old, wrinkly house elf. It seemed like Draco's parents were about to leave. Ana was really hoping not to see them at all. Lucius met Ana's eyes with cold curiosity when she walked up to the trio of Malfoys. Draco felt a weight being lifted off of his chest, as he wasn't entirely sure she was going to show up. He took in her dark, billowing hair, her cream colored complexion, and noted the way her emerald eyes glinted at him when he met her gaze.

"Anastasia," Lucius said. Narcissa shifted uncomfortably. In fact, all four of them were uncomfortable. Ana's coming to the manor was a topic that had been causing many irritated conversations between Draco's parents. "We'll be leaving now. Give my love to your uncle," Lucius said. Ana smiled faintly, but it didn't touch her eyes. She disliked the way Lucius Malfoy had pronounced the word "love" as if he wasn't talking about love at all.

Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy had apparated and Ana stood alone, biting her thumbnail and looking sheepishly up at Draco.

"Hi," she said quietly. Draco had seemed to relax by many decibels when his parents had disappeared. He was still nervous on the inside though, the prospect of a girl living in his house for week being foreign.

"Hi," Draco said, his voice as clear and hypnotic as ever. Ana tucked her hair behind her ear and they stood there for a moment, both caught in their own thoughts and expectations for the week. "Come," Draco said quietly, a small, serene smile on his lips. He liked the thought of seeing Ana inside of his house, but more than anything he was overcome with thanks that he wasn't alone.

Draco led Ana inside the manor, walking beside her slowly. Ana had brought a small trunk, which the house elf heaved up the steps leading to the front door. Ana felt a pang of guilt, watching the house elf struggle, but it was clearly customary to let them fend for themselves. Hermione, the founder of S.P.E.W., would have been appalled.

Draco opened the big black door for Ana and she walked in, taking in the room. It was beautiful, of course, with it's marble flooring and intricate interior design. But more than anything, Ana thought it looked cold. She could easily picture young Draco growing up in such a rigid, unwelcome home as this as it explained a lot about his personality. Not that Ana's own home was any more welcoming. Severus had raised her since she was a baby and while she knew that he silently cared about her, he wasn't one for warm family gatherings.

Draco led her into the sitting room where she sat on the edge of an ornate couch, fidgeting with the silver ring on her finger. Draco smiled to himself, as he always did when he noticed the piece of jewelry on her hand. It was chunky and large on her dainty pointer finger, but she hadn't taken it off since that day in the corridor when Draco had refused to take it back.

"Tea?" the poor house elf groaned to them when Draco had sat beside her on the opposite end of the long couch.

"Oh, yes please," Ana said, hoping that the tea would warm her up. It was warm outside, the summer air in perfect condition. But inside this house, she was frigid. The house elf tapped a silver tea pitcher twice and it started to steam. He poured the tea into two silver cups and Ana took hers, giving the house elf many thank yous. The house elf was taken aback, not used to such kindness. Draco smirked a little to himself as he sat, staring down at his fingernails which laid folded on his crossed legs.

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