5 Seconds to Change (Poetry)

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Trigger warnings: Depressing thoughts, su¡c¡de, panic.

I've heard about people sharing their stories about their 5 seconds, so I thought I'd share mine.
It's something so short, you wouldn't believe there'd be time
To save a life, to feel regret, to change your mind.

A build-up, it was 3 months before my mind got sick.
I was on a stage to the world, I knew I wasn't slick in writing that note that could just be seen in plain sight
My heart skipped a beat, as IF someone... well, cared about my life, enough to- thud.

The whole world turned against me as a cruel stare gazed across the room and I knew, just then I knew that I felt alone. The people who were 'close' to me looked nervously on as I grabbed my phone and asked to go.

Where to and in what state they didn't know, but I had to stop my life then, I had no other intentions.

Then I stopped. Memories flashed by. My 5 seconds.

I couldn't imagine them sad, my friends... how could I do that? What kind of person would I be? Just as I'd feared...? They'd feel like I felt, suffocating in their own tears.
And I could kid myself and say it's not true, but I'd never forgive myself if they did what I'm doing,

Right now. In this moment. These 5 precious seconds.

I lived, but I never went back to that lesson.

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