Sounds and Cheers

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Can you hear it?
The cheering
I stand on the world stage and they all look at me
My favorite instruments begin playing
Guitars in my left ear
Pianos in my right
Violins somewhere in-between
The crowd cheers to the melody they bring
I am in motion
Dancing and I don't care who sees
Spotlight here
Spotlight there
All on me
I close my eyes while spinning
I open them and I am the one playing
All of them
How can it be
Finally it is here, the big break!
I continue playing
I feel great
I am the best
I am at my best
No one can compare
No one would dare

Pride pride
Pride in me
What started as a good thing has turned into misery
I took it too far!
My followers now worship me
I am not God, definitely not!
Mother come take me home
Father pray for me
In pursuit of myself, I lost myself
I am a danger to myself
Lord save me from myself
I never knew
If only I knew
I don't want to gain the whole world
If I am going to lose my beloved soul

Take away the crowds
Take away the stage
Take away the attention
Take away the spotlight
Let me be content
That is all I want
To play only for the love of it
Not for the money
Not for the fame
Only for the love of it
I will be satisfied

Lord watch over me
Don't let me cross the line
That thin line
Between satisfaction and pride
Between love and lust
Between reality and fairytale
I trust that you will lead me well

* Inspiration for this story is left to your imagination. Stay blessed and don't forget to vote for this story and follow me if you enjoy reading my poems.

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