Mysteries Of Life

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They call us crazy
Maybe we are
we are better that way
They are lazy
For sure they are
They have lost their way

They say we are weak
Honestly we are
For it's evident
We need not to hide it
But we are happy
They are strong and brave
Yes, they are
Their confidence says it all
They command attention
They are truly fulfilled

They say they are perfect
We say that too
But deep down we are all lacking
Are we living a lie?
We have lived it long enough to make it a false truth
Are we so perfect now?

Who is the judge?
Them or us?
Neither of us
They are people
So are we
They could be wrong
So could we
Let us leave the job to the one who created us both
The one  who knew us before our births
The one who has no imperfections

*This poem is a message to all people. Let us not bully one another for what could be bad for you could be what makes another very happy. The world is the only platform where we can display our true selves in front of the entire universe, so let's not make each others' lives uncomfortable. Stay blessed and don't forget to vote for this poem and follow me.

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