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She has got to be kidding me. The one little thing that can fulfill her dreams is gone, and I'm not quite sure if it's her fault or not yet.

Did she delete it? There's no way she deleted something that was her ticket to meeting her favorite band. I mean, she could have-- but by no means on purpose. I stood there in silence, unable to form words. Nobody spoke until the woman in front of us smacked her lips.

"Well, that's a shame. I'm afraid I can't take you downstairs without being sure that--"

"Take us downstairs!" Sienna shouts, cutting her off. My friend has tears of both anger and extreme anxiety stained on her puffy cheeks. "I swear to fucking God if your overly-cosmetic ass won't take us to Curtis I'll--"

"How dare you speak to me that way you disrespectful little--"

My eyes were shifting back and forth frantically at the two fighting girls before someone speaks up. I'm glad they did, because I don't have the courage to break them up.

"Woah, hey, what's going on? And why am I involved?" The familiar voice of a young man fills my ears; this time I can see the face that goes with it. It's Curtis, and he came at just the right time. By the way Sienna's running her mouth, it's going to be a shock if he even considers letting us explain what's happening before he kicks us out.

We all turn around to see the average sized man standing before us, his brows furrowed which causes a crease to form between them. His lips are pursed and his jaw is clenched.

Wow, the only expression I'm familiar with seeing is him being as happy as can be. I've never seen him so... concerned? I let out a deep sigh of relief.

A symphony of "she did this" and "she did that" or even the occasional "she said this/that" fills both of our ears. I groan loudly and push past the two to approach the confused radio host.

I run my fingers through my hair and explain why we're here, and basically why one of the employees wouldn't allow us to see him. I had to raise my voice every now and then so he could hear me over the two screaming females.

He had a hard time focusing his attention on just me, which I guess I understand. Once I finished telling him the story, he nods and glances behind me.

"Rebecca!" He shouts, the tall brunette turning around. Sienna is so into the moment that she's still screaming. She always has to have the last word.

"Sienna, enough." I say sternly, but not exactly in the same manner as yelling.

She looks over at me with red eyes, the kind you would see on a cartoon bull who's only desire is to charge at the taunting flag that waves irritably in front of them. It seems that Rebecca is the flag, and she better dodge before Sienna explodes.

I'm just praying she doesn't say any more of what she has. Someone's feelings could be terribly hurt, and it's not going to be the flustered blonde's.

Sienna crosses her arms and clenches her jaw to where her jawline is prominent; her brows are deeply furrowed and her nose scrunched.

She turns away and begins muttering negative profanities that are inaudible to make out. Meanwhile, Rebecca smirks and places a hand on her hip before turning her attention back to us.

"You do realize that this situation is a simple fix, right?" Curtis spoke, speaking to all of us directly.

My best friend looks up with nothing but hope in her eyes now. The crinkles from her brows slowly begin to disappear as her face softens a little.

"How?" She asks. I'm wondering the same thing. If her email proving that she won is totally gone... how else can we prove it?

"Well, your name is Sienna Scott, correct?" He asked. He wants to see her driver's license, maybe? But Chicago is so big that there could be other Sienna Scotts running around-- the world is small.

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