Chapter XIII

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I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I crouched underneath a fallen chariot, watching the chaos unfolding around me. Warriors from both sides lay dead on the field, their glassy eyes staring up at the soldiers fighting above them. Tears came to my eyes as I looked out and saw the majority of lost souls were the people of Argaland, my people, the people I swore to protect. Dust and smoke choked any clean air that remained, and the metallic smell of blood hung in the mist, reminding me that this was war. Not some fantasy battle I had envisioned, where we all win; no, this was reality, and sometimes, reality weighs at the opposite end of the scale of expectation.

I couldn't help the tears that flowed freely down my cheeks, we had lost, all my people would be killed, and Adar and I would be too.

I looked through the murky air towards the river that ran along the edge of the battlefield and watched in dismay as a large ship, marked with an emerald-eyed snake, pulled onto the shore. Five hundred warriors of the dark prince stood on deck, ready to annihilate the remainder of my people.

I smashed my fist into the dirt below me and watched as their leader raised their sword, and pointed it towards the fight. An arrow shot out at them, only to be deflected by the leader's skill. I followed where it had shot from and I trembled as I saw Adar standing not far off from the vessel.

I swallowed, clenching my teeth until my jaw hurt, I couldn't let Adar die alone. I dragged myself out from under the chariot, raised my sword and forced my aching legs to run towards the archer.

I fended off several enemies who came for me, and managed to make it to where he stood, "Adar!" I screamed.

He turned to me, blood trickling from where he had been hit on the forehead, "Amirah!" He called, catching my arm, and pulling me underneath another fallen chariot, shielding us from the battle, "we, we're not winning."

I sniffed, "I know," I said softly, "it's not fair, Adar it's not fair! We were supposed to win! This is our kingdom!"

"Oftentimes the good side loses," Adar stated, "I'm sorry Amirah."

I shook my head as a tear trickled down my cheek and dropped down onto the wood in a tiny puddle of red, "Essie, she -, Adar, she," I stopped, for I couldn't make my voice utter the words.

Adar met my eyes sorrowfully, "I know," he said softly, "I saw her as I ran back to you both, I was terrified you had been killed too."

I sniffed again, my tears washing my cheeks of the blood splattered on them, "did you save Gisela?"

Adar shook his head, "I saved her from a soldier, I told her to stand behind me as I fought a second, but when I turned around I saw her lying besides William."

I buried my face in my hands and cried softly, this was all my fault, I was supposed to protect these people, and I had failed.

"Amirah!" Adar called, pointing to the ship, "look!"

I glanced upwards and saw the plank lower to the ground and just before the warriors charged into the frame, the leader ripped off their black cloak to reveal the symbol of my father the king - a red lion. The five hundred warriors behind them did the same, and tears of joy came to my eyes as they all drew their swords and shouted, "for Argaland!"

My eyes widened in shock as the leader pulled off the black mask obscuring their face to reveal a woman with long black hair, blowing in the wind.

"Akari!" I exclaimed in shock, "Akari! Adar it's Akari!"

He smiled at me, gripping my hand and leading us out from our hiding spot, "take courage, we might still win this fight."

Akari bent to pick up a large flag, embroidered with the mark of the king, then stood tall, waving it high as she yelled, "forward! For Argaland!" She then ran down the plank, leading the warriors into the fight.

I laughed and drew my sword, new hope and power filling my soul as I charged through the enemy soldiers towards the ship. I finally reached it and yelled, "Akari!"

A huge smile came to her face as she saw me, she ran a few meters before gripping me in a tight hug, "oh I missed you, Amirah."

I hugged her back before pulling away just in time to cut down an enemy soldier, "we all thought you died!"

She shook her head, "I was captured, they took me to the capital, and a prison guard who was loyal to your father secretly released me. I then stole as many cloaks as I could that were marked as dark prince's, and started enlisting people for the war I knew would come. I knew the only place to find you would be in the great battle, the princess leading her people, and I wasn't wrong."

I smiled, "you are marvellous, let's show the dark prince just how much courage the people of Argaland posses!"

Adar ran to us and shouted above the noise, "Amirah! You need to rally the people! That's the only way we will win, we don't have as many soldiers, but if we rally together we can beat them!"

"Yes!" Akari added, "we can push them against the castle, they will be easy prey!"

I spied a large bolder and climbed it, calling to my people as loud as I could, "people of Agraland! Hear me! Your princess! Rally with me, now!"

I jumped from the rock and with Adar and Akari at my sides, I ran for the castle, thousands of our people following, Akari's five hundred just behind us.

In a matter of minutes, we had the enemy's soldiers encircled, I smiled triumphantly, we were going to win. I looked to my people and frowned determinedly, "we have them! Akari's men! Kill every last one! The rest of you come with me, we are going to storm the castle!"


I watched the panicked eyes of the dark prince look over his defeated army after Adar had dragged him out to the field, holding him under his grip, "you took so much from these people, and now I give it all back to them. Your days of terror are over," I growled, before plunging my sword deep into his heart.

The people cheered and raised their swords in the air, we had done it, we had defeated the darkness that stole our kingdom. We had lost many good people, but their sacrifice - their blood, had paid for this victory, and I wasn't going to waste it.

Adar turned to me as we watched our people continue to cheer, "thank you, for everything," I said.

Adar smiled gently, "you're most welcome, my queen."

I dropped my gaze, Essie would have said that, if she'd been there.

Adar then lifted my arm into the air, "my people!" He called, "your queen!"

Everyone cheered louder, causing the ground to shake, and that moment was the greatest of my life.

I smiled, breathed in deeply and let it out, the sadness over losing Essie and the hundreds of souls that perished that day, slowly ebbed away with the dying shouts, leaving a peaceful yet bittersweet feeling.

I would miss Essie greatly, and I would always remember her sacrifice, but I knew she wouldn't want me to despair, she would want me to enjoy the freedom she helped buy for me.

The people then started chanting and shouting, "queen Amirah! Queen Amirah!"

Their praise filled my heart with happiness, we had done it, we had defeated the dark prince and his army, we had crossed through monster-infested swamps, been locked in a dungeon, fought in many battles, and won a war.

For Argaland.

Thank you to everyone who made it this far, you guys are so amazing! I hope you enjoyed the story :) Please drop a comment and feel free to point out any typos ;)

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