Chapter III

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The next day, Essie, Akari and I all woke early and made our way to meet a captain who might be willing to take us into Argaland. After speaking with him at length, he deemed it fair for us to travel with him so long as we promised that if we were caught, we would not reveal the identity of the one who helped us across the sea. Once everything was settled, the captain escorted us a little way down the shore until we came to a hidden cove, and then the ship came into view. On the head of the ship was a lion, the sails were pure white and they cracked and flipped in the wind. The shallow water sloshed over the hull, causing the boat to sway side to side, almost like it was dancing, awaiting its chance to take me and the other others across the sea and into our destinies.

After taking one more look at the city I had called home for the last nine years, I followed Essie and Akari and climbed aboard the ship, standing tall on the deck as the vessel pulled out to sea. As the trees and structures on the shore started to grow smaller, I left my companions and ran to the back of the ship, gripping onto the cold railing, and leaned over as far as I could. I drank in the sight of Trogia, although it belonged to the dark prince, that place had prepared me for the journey I was now undertaking. I was so nervous and overwhelmed with the task that awaited me, to save my people and defeat the dark prince, but my heart also filled with hope. A few tears dripped down my cheeks and my long red hair fluttered in the breeze as I took one last look at Trogia before I turned my face into the wind, towards my duty, towards destiny - towards the new.                                                                                                    


The stars shone in the evening sky, like dazzling diamonds on a spread of endless black velvet. The moon was set high in the atmosphere, emitting a beautiful ethereal glow, it provided just light enough to see the gentle waves washing the side of the ship. The sounds of the water lapping against the hull would certainly put one to sleep, but not me

Akari and Essie were both asleep below deck, yet I stood on the deck letting the cool night air blow through my hair, it was so peaceful. Standing tall with my sword at my side, I felt strong and almost eager to begin my journey the next day. I drew in a deep breath and let it out contently as I continued to watch the tranquil night scene unfold for a few more minutes. Eventually, though, I sheathed my sword, turned and started to climb down the stairs to my cabin for some sleep, but before I had taken not three steps, I stopped as I felt an overwhelming sense of dread; the air was still and thick, something was not right. I placed a hand over my stomach and took a breath to calm myself, but the fear did not leave, instead, with each wave that washed against the ship, it grew stronger.

I quickly ran down the stairs to find my friends and alert them that some danger might be lurking nearby, I was almost at Essie's cabin when I bumped right into her.

"Sorry Amirah," she stated quickly, then glanced up at the sky through the opening at the top of the stairs, "do you feel that?" She asked, her brow wrinkling with worry, "that overwhelming fear, it won't leave me."

"I feel it too," Akari added, joining us, "it's frightful."

Suddenly our trio fell silent as a loud creaking sound came from a short distance away. It was an unnerving sound, it moaned like wood being stretched and pulled, like it was whining for help. The three of us quickly climbed back up the steps onto the deck and searched for the cause of the horrendous sound, but our vision was obscured by a fog that seemed to have englued their ship.

I glanced over at the two women standing behind me and sensing danger, drew my sword, Akari followed suit, drawing her own as Essie looked on with terror as a humongous ship floated ominously out of the fog and darkness towards us. Its sails were torn and shredded and they flicked and snapped in the wind as the vessel moved towards us, swaying side to side, the creaking sound growing louder. We shrank back in fear as the giant ship towered above us, its wood was greyed to such an extent that not a hint of brown showed anymore, barnacles were growing up the sides, the ropes that once sustained the sails were hacked and weathered, and blew aimlessly in the wind. 

We stood defensively as the ship came closer, and to my horror, I realised that the ship was not turning.

"Hold on!" I called out as the bow of the colossal vessel smashed into the side of our ship.The blow knocked us all off our feet and caused all the rest of the ten crew members who had been below deck to join the commotion. Suddenly our attacker turned and pulled away, sailing around the stern of our ship.

The ghost-like vessel then came up beside us, and from that short distance, I could see one figure standing on the bow of the ship pointing a sword towards us. The person was clad in dark armour, and two green eyes of a snake peered from the handle of his sword.I forced in a breath and looked over at the other brave souls standing by my side and felt an unusual courage wash over me - I was a princess, the king's daughter. Looking at the single warrior standing on the bow of the grey ship, I called, "why is it that you seek to attack our humble vessel?!"

A sinister laugh boomed down from the figure above, "who are you, little girl? To dare try to challenge me? How is it that you do not fear me?! I am a leader of legions."

"I am princess Amirah," I yelled back, "daughter of the mighty King! I fear you not!"As soon as I uttered those words I realized the gravity of what I had just done, now word would speak to the dark prince that the princess was still alive.

The man's eyes turned cold and suddenly he and several other soldiers aboard his ship grabbed onto ropes and swung down to our vessel, only to be faced by thirteen brave souls all ready to defend their lives to the last. From this close distance, I could see the leader clearly, his armour was dark and patchy, almost like someone had held parts of it over a fire. His helmet was completely black and the head of a snake was engraved on it; through the small slit in his visor, I could see his eyes, they were so dark, like the blackest night. His breastplate was dented and the symbol of an emerald-eyed snake was painted on it. The sword he carried did not have a smooth side, it was jagged and pieces were chipped away from previous battles, rust-covered every inch of the horrendous blade and a long golden snake, with emeralds for eyes was wrapped around the top of the sword as a handle.

His appearance itself caused me to tremble, as I realized who this person was, I had heard stories from my father years ago, about the great general of the dark prince. A snake-like sword and fearless composure, but never did I imagine him to look so intimidating and unnerving. My mind raced to recall the knowledge Hidishi had taught me with a sword as I realised the general was signalling me out from the others. I had never fought a real enemy before, and I was terrified, but I took courage and drew my sword, pointing it at my enemy, "I will not be afraid of you!" I yelled and swung my blade towards him.

He met my blade in the air and deflected the blow with a laugh, "you think you can defeat me? You have no experience, you are weak and worthless, you have no chance."

I ignored his lies and gritted my teeth as I swung my sword again, this time it hit, and sunk into the shoulder of my attacker. The general yelled more in anger than pain and sent his sword flying for my head. In a flash, the training with Hidishi came rushing back to my mind and I ducked, dive-rolled, and jumped, using that momentum, I swung for my enemy, again landing a blow to his shoulder.

"Back to the ship!" The general yelled to his men, retreating to the edge of the ship, so to jump off and climb back onto his ghost vessel, followed by his men. Before he jumped, however, he turned to me with hatred in his dark eyes, "I will face you again, princess Amirah, I can promise you that, and I will kill you," he spat with venom in his voice, then jumped to his ship and pulled it away from our boat.

Just like that, the phantom vessel sailed back into the ominous fog that it came from, leaving not a trace that it had ever been there. I ran to my companions and found Essie crouched under the stairs with Akari standing over her holding a sword.

Breathing heavily she stated, "that was not what I had in mind for our first voyage, who was that Amirah?"

"I think that was the general of the dark prince's army," I answered, sheathing my sword. I was about to speak again when Essie jumped up from her hiding place and frantically gripped my by the shoulders, "why did you do that?!" She yelled, fear and anger in her eyes, "why did you tell him your identity?! Now the dark prince will know you are arriving in Agarland!"

I was so ashamed and mad at myself for my complacency that very well could cost us all our lives, "I am sorry," I spoke quickly, "I didn't realize, I thought-."

Essie silenced me with a grave look in her dark eyes, something no one has been able to do even 'till this day, and an eerie silence followed as I met her eyes fearfully. She swallowed as tears came to her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away, shaking her head she whispered, "Amirah what have you done?"

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