04. Ego

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( EGO! )

JESSICA WAS CURRENTLY NOT THE BIGGEST FAN OF CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES. It wasn't like she hated the subject, not at all. She quite literally adored the class. She had read Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, front to back, three times over. And the rather grumpy Porlock her brother had decided to befriend last year would've already seriously injured them, otherwise.

Her hesitation towards the subject lied totally on the fact that the assigned textbook wanted to eat her. Though, it did not come to a shock that Professor Kettleburn's successor managed to give their students a heart attack before class even started. In fact, it was totally on brand.

The Monster Book of Monsters was a particularly vicious book, to say the least. And the rope (and Spellotape for good measure) that was wrapped around the four Slytherins' copy was a testament to that.

It was nice to get out of the castle after lunch. After a rather overbearing day for the twins, the clear, gray sky and damp Scottish air was welcomed with open arms. The quartet of Slytherins stood off in their own corner at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The group was still discussing the breakout of the mass murderer, Sirius Black.

"It's quite the feat actually. No one has ever escaped Azkaban. It makes you wonder how powerful Black might actually be," Theo commented.

"I don't even think it's him being powerful, though. There's plenty of powerful wizards that are locked up. The Gaunts, the Lestranges, hell even Patricia Rakepick is rotting in her cell. All very capable people," reasoned Blaise. The topic making everyone slightly uneasy.

"If he is this powerful, dangerous wizard," Albert grimaced. "I think the better question is, why now? After, what? Ten? Twelve years? Why not when he was in his prime?"

"You make him sound ancient. He should be in his thirties at most," nipped Theo.

"I've seen the way some of you lads age—"

"Even then, I've read about Azkaban. If you thought the Dementors on the train was bad, imagine experiencing that everyday for twelve years." Jessica interrupted, a hint of distaste in her tone. "Though, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the Ministry's incompetence—"

"Harry, you literally look pathetic. Go talk to her if you're so obsessed," said Hermione. Her voice was not nearly as quiet as she thought.

"She's right, mate. It's been ages, you can't just stare at her and expect her to fall in love with you. At this rate, she probably thinks you're mad," reasoned Ron.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎, golden trio eraWhere stories live. Discover now