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PSYCHO!( a game of manipulation and survival )

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( a game of manipulation and survival )

가장 짙은 어둠도 가장 흐린 빛에 사라지는 거래요. Someone once said that even the thickest darkness disappears with the faintest light.

사람 지금 살아 있나? Is the person who said that still alive?

글쎄요. I'm not sure.

The mind was not to be meddled with. A maze of thoughts, memories and emotions— one can easily be lost within the neverending corridors, aimlessly searching for answers to unheard questions. Unlocking doors meant opening Pandora's box, unleashing the monsters that hid behind the persona. It is a dangerous place. Complex and beautiful in nature, yet quite fragile. It is malleable, constantly evolving and adapting to the influences of its environment. Easily conforming under pressure, until it breaks.

There were no saints or sinners in war. No good nor bad. There were only manipulators, liars, the naïve pawns that were blind with loyalty, and the children that were left behind wondering what they did wrong. God had decided his punishment the night of January 21, 1981. The night three lives were lost as mark of terror, and first blood spilled signaling the end of youth and innocence.

The world was not kind to either of them. Atlas' burden was laid onto the shoulders of the Park twins. And despite all odds, they carried it with grace and cunningness. They made it a game. Perhaps it was a survival tactic, a means to float when it felt like they were drowning. Maybe it was simply because they were insufferable and insolent children (like Miss Alverby loves to remind them, she's a doll).

Life was one big game to him, something to win. Park Hyuntae, or more commonly addressed, Albert Park, is an asshole. However,  his charming wit and eloquence often gets him out of trouble, though many people blame it on the dimple that appears whenever he grins crookedly. His innocent, boy next door demeanor masked his nearly sadistic, psychotic tendencies. Whether it was his coolly commentary or the scoff after, it always seems as if he is one step ahead. And he was.

Life was hilarious to her; it was amusing to watch, almost like a television show. People were peculiar, the way that they overreacted over the tiniest mishaps. The shock on their faces during revelations, or the twist of a grin during excitement. Park Minseo, or more commonly addressed, Jessica Park, is an observer. She was not born with the skills of legilimency at her fingertips, yet she found it just as easy to read people as she could a book. Emotionally-driven people were so easy to figure out. It was almost unsatisfying to see her peers act exactly as she had expected. It was boring, there was no flair or shocking plot twists, because people were so damn predictable. But, that made them just as fun to toy with.

"The self is not so weightless
Nor whole and unbroken
Remember the pact of our youth."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎, golden trio eraWhere stories live. Discover now