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I'm in the library when I hear it. A girl walks in. Well, a girl with two boys. They start talking. 

"I can't believe that they're still allowing Mudbloods at Hogwarts. They're a dirty stain on the wizarding world." The girl screeches.

"But did you hear that they've allowed a werewolf at Hogwarts?" A boy with white hair remarks.

A trickle of fear goes up my back. I could be discovered because of this. I sneak out and head up to my dorm. James, Sirius, and Peter are standing next to beds, unpacking. I join them, feeling shaken. 

"I just ran into this horrible woman in the library. She was talking about 'filthy mudbloods'." Remus complains

"Well, she has a point," Sirus says. 

James stares at Sirius. 

"Say something like that again and I will knock your teeth out!" James looks furious.

Sirius looks frightened. 

"I'm sorry. My parents always told me that Mud- I mean Muggle-borns were disgusting. I don't agree with them." Sirius looks nervous. 

James rolls his eyes.

"Just don't do it again."

I go to sleep later. But my dreams are even scarier than reality.

Flashback/Dream starts

"Daddy, you can't go yet. You forgot to check for monsters." Remus was worried. He was always a little nervous, even at only 5 years old. 

His dad rolled his eyes.

"You'll be fine, Remus." Lyall walked out. (Lyall is trash and Remus being a werewolf and hating himself for it is all his fault because he angered Greyback ((yes it's more Grayback's fault but whatever))and bullied Remus about being a werewolf even if Remus is too sweet to admit it, so this whole flashback is Lyall Lupin slander)

But there was a monster in little Remus' room. Maybe if Lyall had checked he would have seen the glowing eyes. Maybe.

Lyall awoke to screams coming from his son's room. But he ignored them, thinking Remus was just having a nightmare. Maybe if he would have come, Fenrir would have left, and Remus wouldn't spend the next 10 years hating himself.  Maybe. 

But Lyall didn't do that. So when he went to check on his child, and Remus had bite marks and was talking about the scary wolfman, Lyall knew he was to blame. Maybe that's why he was so cruel to Remus. Maybe it was his anger and blame for himself. But even if you're mad at yourself, you don't get permission to bully your child for your own faults.

Flashback/Dream ends

Remus was crying. He hadn't had another dream of remembering what happened since he was 9. And this time his mind lingered on what his father had said after he learned what happened.

"Now you're a monster too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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