Pink Hair and Cats-Hazel

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As I walk into the wall, I can feel my mum staring at me. Since she's a muggle, this is all very confusing to her. She's been in a state of shock since I got my letter. I can't blame her. I've been shocked too. My dad managed to keep the fact that magic existed a secret. He couldn't keep my mum's birthday a secret. I had spent hours cleaning, painting, and decorating the house for my dad to spill the beans. I wave at my parents and walk through the wall only to run into a pink-haired girl.

"Frick," the girl drops her books and supplies, which go soaring everywhere. Weirdly enough, her hair also goes blue.

"Uh, your hair." I point.

She laughs, scrunches her nose, and her hair goes back to pink.

"How do you do that?"

"I'm a metamorphmagus. I can change my appearance at will, but it sometimes changes on its own." She answers while gathering her things and leaving.

1 hour later

I've been on this train for what feels like forever. It's been an hour, but I just want to get to Hogwarts. I'm sitting in a train compartment with the human embodiment of a phoenix named Lily Evans. She has long red hair, and her eyes are bright green. She reminds me of Tay. She was my best muggle friend, but when I got the letter, I had to tell her that we couldn't stay friends. I didn't want to end our friendship, but I knew that I would eventually tell her all about Hogwarts and everything else, and that was a risk I couldn't take. She loved poetry and took an elective in school. For an assignment, she had to describe a friend or family member in a way that focused on their character instead of their appearance, and she chose me. She hated the description, but I made her show it to me. Hazel is like a cat with her luminous eyes. I cringed reading it, though. Because here's the thing. I've known about magic since I was 9. Which, considering the fact I'm 11, isn't that big of an accomplishment, but oh well.


There was a thunderstorm going on outside. I was watching a documentary about the sea when I heard the doorbell ring. I've always been able to make myself hidden. I always thought it was just luck, but apparently, it was my magic showing itself. My dad walked to the door where a man in a cloak stood, looking unprepared for the thunderstorm. My dad ushered him inside and took him up to his office. They left the door open so that I could hear everything. 

"What brings you here from the Ministry?" My father asked.

"Your daughter." The man replied.

I bit my lip to keep from freaking out.

"She's a maledictus, correct?" The man asks.

"Yes." My father replies. "When she is older, she'll turn into a cat and never turn back."

I gasped and ran away. Ever since then, cats have scared me to death. 

End of Flashback

I shudder thinking of the memory. Lily must have noticed because she walks up and sits next to me.

"Are you ok?" She asks. I smile and nod. Meanwhile, I continue to get lost in my thoughts.

By the time I've stopped daydreaming, we've arrived at Hogwarts and are about to head inside. 

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