Barrel diving

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Another mission,
A boy dressed in a white suit walked into a pole hitting his head he stumbled back into his friend who has been with him for about two years now she was tall,long haired, brunette in a blue dress. It was around two in the morning and it was hard to see,even with the girl knowing this still laughed at him she found it hard to be calm and unsuspecting unlike the boy she was with who showed little to no fear.

Finally reaching there destination an old storing place hidden somewhere inside was an asteroid. There task was only for top ranked agents with 72 ranks only the top eleven were chosen the boy rank one why the girl rank 12 only put on the mission because of her partnership with the boy. The boy was one of the best of all the half blood. Half blood's had the power to senses the real bloods know for there wings, transformation and there deadly force of nature the power to kill for blood. Half bloods also could figure out how to destroy the other full bloods, and half bloods.All other half bloods were girls besides him and a few others the girls were just natural the only way a half blood could form was a mother pregnant got turned. The boy was different his dad got charged before he was to come into this world neither knew about it thou until the next day when the dad changed all the way, usually still in the bed.

The girl ran inside with the boy close behind they both went to work looking for the rock witch had to be moved every two weeks periodically. With fifteen different rocks to move all in different places and times around the city. The girl screamed " I found it "the boy walked over took the rock and shoved in under the floor borders " ok we're done lets go" he started to walk out, the girl ran in front of him "that's all we had to do" she asked "ya" he said in a blank tone. He walked out then stopped he looked back at her, she was covered in wine "the rock was in a wine barrel right" " yah " she said " and I found the rock before you ha ha haha ha" she said proud of herself.
"Ya ya what ever your the one who got wet and I don't think those stains are going to come out easy and that was your good dress right" " your mean you know" "and your a kid compared to me""hey I'm older "she said like it made a difference. Then they both walked out into the night splitting up.

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