the traning game

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After reading the note, with the greek markings on it twice, not fully getting the massage the first time, he pulled out a lighter and watched the note burn in his hand and after it burned the ashes blew away in the wind but the smell lingered on his hand and smelled of sulfur. people stared at him not excepting a thirteen year old in a new black tux to carry a lighter, but leo just sighed the day would soon get crazy he new it was coming but didn't know when. leo decided to hit up a fast food stop that sits you outside but call a friend first see if he was in the neighborhood witch he was and always is when it comes to free food. It took his friend two minutes to get there and when he finally did arrive Leo was already sitting down drinking a blue lemonade he took his seat with a small smile from Leo who looked prepped for battle Leo started out the conversation "thanks for coming zan then again when do you miss a free meal, and get to make some money your self" Zander (19 years old owns a gun shop) said "your still using that nick name and I just came because you asked jeez" "I'm just kidding dude no need to cry, any way you got them" "you know people usual wait until after the meal to ask for the highly dangerous weapons they made me hand craft using tons of different metals" "ha well I just found a new way to pay you" he glanced up got a wicked grin across his face and crossed his arms slowly as a sudden shadow plunged people into darkness, as people looked up not recognizing the image of the June bug hovering in the sky. Leo looked back at Zander "deal?" "Deal"and Zander quickly handed Leo the small box that was hiding in his back pack. Leo quickly opened it grabbed the guns out of the silver box and ran up the side of the nearest building as fast as the bug was diving when the were about to pass each other Leo jumped off the building with his ring and pinky fingers he garbed the antennas and Leo flung himself on to the monsters back shoved the guns into different eyes and fired the bug was dead before it hit the ground Leo stepped off the body and walked over to Zander admiring the hand crafted twin black and silver with bronze engravings the bullets were made with a virus that brust open once inside of something  and eats it away. what a painful way to die and uncureable.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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